chapter 7

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"So are we ready girls" I say. They all nod there heads in agreement.

We were in to groups me and Evelyn in one group that was cheering for Javiers team. Then there was Ashley and Allie in the other group that was cheering for Rodrigos team. The idea was to destract the boys so which ever one of the boys team lost the girls that were cheering them on wins. I know that's stupid but were all hot girls in bikinis so which team is hotter were about to find out. So there was five boys on each sides

Javiers Team:





Rodrigos Team:





So me and Evelyn went on one side of were the boys were playing and Ashley and Allie went on the oppisite side of us. The boys were about to kick the ball of to each other that was our sign to start. It was super fun I have to amit I did get a little jelly when Marc was looking at Allie which I don't know why.

I think I'm starting to have a crush but I can't I have a boyfriend that I love with all my heart. I really have to figure this stuff out. I don't know what to do I really need to talk to Evelyn. But I did catch him looking at me a couple times which made me happy in side. Well me and Evelyn ended up winning.

I laid down on my towel reading my book when all of a sudden someone threw me over there shoulders. All I could see was this persons ass which let me tell you he had a awesome one. Let me tell you something pretty much all boys have a nice ass but this one was just an amazing one.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I said.

"Sorry but no baby girl." I knew right away who it was it was Marc.

"OMG! Put me down Marc!"I said trying to wiggly out of his arms.

" Don't act like you don't like it l felt your eyes stairing at my ass." He said laughing and I didn't even have too see his face to know he had a cocky smirk on his face. I swear to god if I wasn't stuck like this I would smack that smirk right off his face.

"I w---aaaaa---s not" I said stuttering. Ughh I hated how he did this too me.

"Okay baby girl close your eyes and plug your nose" he said laughing.

"You wouldn't" I said right after I finish my sentance I'm automaticly under water but I felt a certain pair of hands wrap around my waist that belonged to Marc.

I just look at him with my mad face. Ohh he's so in trouble. I'm so getting pay back.

"Come on baby girl you can't be mad at me." He said with his puppy dog face. Really I can't restist that face its cute yet sexy URRRGGHH WHY DO I KEEP GETTING THESE THOUGHTS!!! I have a boyfriend what the heck!!!

"Fine but you so owe me!" I said.

He hugged me and let me tell you I could so feel his six pack against my stomach. Such a turn on.

"Okay we have to go cause we still have that dinner at your parents and you have to get ready and do you mind if I just get ready at your house I have my clothes in the car." Marc said.

"Sure but you have to stay in my room the hole time. Okay?" I said with a smile.

" Sure baby girl" he said with a smile.

We walked back to the shore. I grabbed all my stuff and said bye to everyone but I couldn't find Javier so I ask Manuel where he went he said to his car. I walked to his car Marc was following me carring all my stuff what are boys for. I say Javier but he wasn't alone he was with Nicole. They were kissing making out he was cheating. My vision was getting blury I felt like I was going to fall. Marc pulled me into a hug.

I was sobbing now and Javier heard and looked at us. Marc went up to him and punched him. Then got all my stuff and picked me up cause I couldn't walk I could hardly breath and took me too his car he put me in the passenger seat and put all the stuff away in the trunk. He came up to me and put me on his lap and held me and rocked me back and forth he told me every thing was going to be okay. He sat me down whipped my tears away with his thumb. Then he buckled my seat belt and gave me a kiss on the forehead close the door then got in the drivers seat and drove away.


So that's selena crying in the car I know its not the best but I tried!!!

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