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Frost and Kai rushed outside to find that it had snowed! Frost was excited for winter and she wanted to take this as an opportunity to strengthen her magic! Kai wanted Frost to help her make a snowman since she either burning the snow or melting it. Kai tried to roll up a ball for the snowmans head but she set it on fire and yelled angrily "STUPID SNOW!!!" She calmed down and looked at Frost who had a hurt look on her face. "Oh I'm sorry Fro! I didn't mean that you were stupid!" Frost put out the fire and put the snowball on top of the other two snowballs. "Were done!" Kai said in relief. Frost blushed a bit "Were not done yet!" She walked over to the snowman and gave it coal eyes and mouth and a carrot nose. "Now we're done!" She said looking at Kai with a smile on her face. Kai walked up behind Frost and gave her a hug maker her feel really warm which was a feeling Frost had never had before. Frost blushed heavily and hugged her back as she smiled softly down at Kai "Well be friends forever right?" Frost asked in a kind of worried voice. "Of course! I'll never leave your side Fro!"

The end!

The Tales of Frost MoonstoneWhere stories live. Discover now