Chapter 9

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hey guys! :) I wanted to ask you a favor, can you guys please comment what you like the most about this fanfic so far? Thank you & enjoy chapter 9 -Cindy 



It was October 20th. It has been 2 months since Louis dmed me. It's been over one month of texting Louis. And in 2 days it was going to be my birthday. Not just any birthday, my 18th birthday. And Louis's been texting me everyday, counting down the days to my big eighteen.

I didn't plan anything, I just wanted to go out to eat and text Louis. I'm not going to lie, Louis's a great friend. I don't even know if I can call him my friend? Can I? I mean we have been texting for a looongg time now, but we never actually heard each other talk towards one another.

Oh well, when the time will come, it will come. Right now I just gotta be excited that I'm turning 18 in a matter of days?! I've been waiting to turn eighteen since, probably my whole life and I couldn't be any happier right now. In fact my cheeks started to get numb from me smiling too much.

I grabbed my phone from my desk and opened twitter. As usual. I tweeted about the new video I just uploaded, and seconds after I sent it I watched the retweets go up by the minute. I was right. I couldn't be any more happier, not only had I gotten close to really great person, but my Youtube channel managed to get successful. I honestly thought I wouldn't even get past a second video, yet here I am. This is amazing.

I then glanced at the time on my phone. It's 2:37 pm. That leaves me with less than half an hour to get ready to go out with Analise. We both made plans to go to the mall together, well Analise made the plans while I refused.


I sat in the red mall chair, holding onto my stomach breathing for air while Analise laughed hysterically.

"Oh my god, that was so-" I started but couldn't finish, as I continued to laugh uncontrollably.

"I know," Analise barely managed to get out.

We were watching people walk by when we saw something related to an inside joke we had. We were a weird group of people.

"Soo a certain brunette's birthday is soon, isn't it?" Analise said

"Yeah," I replied smiling, just thinking about my birthday made me want to jump out of chair and burst into a musical number.

"Has Louis called to wish you a happy birthday yet?" She asked with a smirk.

"Um no..wait is he supposed to? I mean he's texted me with early birthday wishes, but he hasn't called me. Is this supposed to mean something. Ana-" before I could continue my ramble Analise stopped me.

"Woah woah woah relax Al, I just asked a simple question and now you're rambling,"

"Oh sorry, I just don't know, is he?" I asked her.

"I don't know, why don't you call him?"

"What am I supposed to say, 'oh hey yeah well I think we should finally hear each other's voices after texting for over a month'?"

Analise nervously laughed, "Wow do you actually like him?" She asked curiously.

"No," I replied shortly and abruptly.

Analise leaned back,"Sounds to me like a little New Yorker has a crush."

"I don't," I replied again.

"Yes you do."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do." Analise said again raising her voice.

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