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Isak wanted to believe Even.Even Sonja was pregnant it was nothing to do with Even.They cuddled in the bed and they didnt even notice Eskild taking pictures of them.Eskild posted few of the pictures on his instagram story and that was when Sonja texted Eskild about the baby.

Eskild was in shock.He didnt believe it ofcourse but Linn was unsure.They were currently sitting on the sofa and they were chatting about that subject.

"What if she is pregnant,Eskild?I mean they must have had sex before Isak" she said and sighed.She didnt want it to be true but she was just being realistic.

Eskild bit his lips and tried to think."Well" he said and looked at the girl beside him."I would tell lies to get someone like Even.I mean look at him he's perfect" he said with a sigh.

Linn laughed out loud because he could fall for Even quickly but he just hold himself because he knew he was Isak's.Everyone knew that.They were going to think about something to prove that she was lying.For Isak's sake.

"Well thank you Eskild" Even laughed and walked in.He heard what he said about himself.He just sat down beside them and sighed.

"Where's our little pumpkin?" Linn asked and Even laughed a bit.

"Isak,you mean?" he said and shook his head.Isak was sleeping because he didn't get sleep lately because of Sonja.

"Sleeping,will join him later but wanted to check what are you guys doing" he said and grabbed crisps from Linn and ate them quickly.

"And don't worry about Sonja,I will just figure something out" he said before leaving livingroom,going Isak's room and he wrapped his arms around the smaller lad.Isak always took care of him and it was his turn.He wanted to cuddle him and make sure he's okay.


"Is it true that Even cheated on you and now Sonja's pregnant?" Magnus asked while they were having lunch.Jonas kicked his leg and sighed.Even if it was true Isak was their friend they couldnt just talk to him like that.

"I bet its not" he said quietly and turned to Isak."What did Even say anyway?"

Isak was sipping his juice when Jonas asked him a question.He sighed and he just shook his head.

"He said its not true and they had sex nearly a year ago" he shrugged,looking at his friends.

"Even cannot cheat on me guys he was the one who wanted to marry after school" he said,grabbing his phone.It was from Even.

From:Even <3

 Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you


I am sitting right in front of you.

When he looked up Even was staring at him.He blushed and shook his head.He was so incredible and he was just staring at him like he was the god.He was just Isak anyway.

"Guys I gotta talok with Even,see you later" he said to his friends and went to Even,sitting beside him.

"I love that song you know" he said and smiled widely.

Even just leaned to kiss him."I know,that's why i chose that song" he laughed and wrapped an arm around him then they kept having their lunch.


"Talk Sonja!" Eskild almost yelled but his yell was just as sof as him.Sonja tried to push them and sighed.

"I am talking Eskild and I am carrying Even's baby" she said angrily.Linn frowned and crossed his arms.

"Tell us the truth or we can tell your school mates that you and Even had sex nearly a year ago and its impossible you to get pregnant from him" she said and smirked.

Sonja's eyes widened and looked at them.

"You can't do that" she said and tried to walk away from them.

"I will never deny this baby.Even and I made it,believe it or not" she said and then stopped.She had a bad feeling.

"Don't tell anyone that we had sex a year ago.I need him to be its father" she said sadly.

"Did you record that Linn?" Eskild asked joyfully and laughed.They recorded everything and they were going to prove that she was lying.

"Please I will tell you everything" Sonja said sadly.They couldnt tell if she was acting or not.They went to a cafe to talk.They just wanted to help Isak but things were getting weird.






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