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While Jonas and the others planned "Welcome back Evak" party Vilde came up with the ship name.Everybody liked the name so they kept it and even prepared a huge poster for them.

Meanwhile Even and Isak were just laying on Isak's bed and just staring at the ceiling.

Isak couldn't believe that they were just doing that simple thing.He was missing him when he was away but at the same time he hated him more and more.He hated the way he left him without an explanation.That letter was nothing.He said nothing but Isak knew how Even felt.He knew him inside out.

"Jonas said there was a party" Isak said as he looked at Even.He was so beautiful.He was staring at the ceiling but when Isak began o talk he just looked at him and instantly smiled.

"What party?" he asked and bit his lips.He was trying not to kiss him while he was talking.He missed him too much.He couldnt just stay away from him.

"I dont know another kosepruppa party?" he chuckled and he placed a kiss on his jaw,near his lips.

"Lets get dressed baby" he said as he sat down on the bed but Even pulled him back on the bed and pressed his lips against his lips.He couldnt help him.

Isak was surprised but he smiled and kissed him back.He felt so good.He felt like his other half was found.He knew it was.

"What was that?" Isak whispered as they pulled away.He loved everything about their kisses and touches but he was just curious.

"Its just-I missed you so much" he whispered quietly and caressed his cheek.


"Is everyone ready?" Vilde called out and looked around.She made sure everything was okay.

"Of course everything is ready,I am the organizer here" Eskild came with few beers and put them on the table.Eskild was so excited for this party because he said he was the number one fan of Evak.

Vilde just rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Fine,just make sure nothing is fucked up" she murmured and went to check what Sana and Noora was doing in the kitchen.

They were preparing cupcakes because they knew Isak loved them.When they saw Vilde walked in they frowned.

"What happened? Are they here?" Noora asked curiously.She put the cupcakes down on the table and looked at them.They looked pretty and pretty pink.

"They are here guys!" Jonas called out when he saw them walking hand in hand.Isak was wearing Even's jacket and it was a bit big for him.He loved wearing his stuff tho.

Even was looking so cool as always.Everyone thought the same thing.He was the coolest guys on their school.

Everyone went to livingroom and staayed together.When they walked in they all clapped and scremead happily.

Isak stopped and looked around in shock.They were both shocked.There was a huge poster which had thir pictures of them with the title of "WELCOME BACK EVAK"

"Wait,What is an Evak?" Even asked and laughed,looking at them.Actually he knew it was something about him and Isak but he wasnt so sure about it.

"Its your ship name" Eskild explained and then crossed his arms.

"Even's Ev and Isak's AK and here its your ship name Evak" he said and smiled widely.Eskild really loved them and cared about them.Also he was really number one fan.It was really strange.

Isak laughed and blushed.His cheeks were red now and he was trying to hide that.

Even realised that and wrapped an arm around him and thanked everyone who made this party.


It was after hours and everyone was pretty drunk.Even was sitting on the couch with Isak and they were kissing,holding each other close.Isak was so drunk this time.Normally he wouldnt get this drunk but he couldnt help himsself but drink this time.He was glad tho.He loved Even's lips.

Meanwhile Magnus was dancing with Vilde and they were giggling everything they said to each other.They werent too drunk but their feelings for each other made them drunk.

On the other hand there was Jonas and Eva.They were sitting on the floor and talking about nothing.Eva was so passionate talking about thing she loved and Jonas loved listening her talking.They were drinking and laughing together.They werent that drunk but Eva was about to be drunk because she was drinking too fast.

Back to Isak and Even,they ended up in bedroom.Jonas wouldnt mind anyway.Even carried Isak to the bedroom and while he was walking they were kissing.

Even laid him down slowly and didnt break the kiss.Even quickly took Isak's shirt off and kissed down on his torso slowly.Isak was already so into that action.He was grabbing bed sheets and trying not to moan too much.

Even was about to unzip Isak's jeans but then the door was open with a loud crash.

"What the f-" Even was about to get up when a police grabbed his arms and then the other one got Isak.

"We have 2 in the bedroom" the police informed the other with talkie.

Someone called police and said there was a party and that party involves weeds and such illegal things.So police took everyone but only few of them,Magnus and Vilde could run away because they werent that drunk.

Policemen let Isak and Even get in the car and while they were ready to go Isak frowned and closed his eyes and opened them again just to make sure what he was seeing.

It was Emma standing beside the house door,crossing her arms around her chest and watching Isak and Even.






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