1. School

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"I give up" I sigh as walk into the living room of the small loft that Josh and I had been living in for about five years now. I moved in during winter break my freshman year of college while Josh moved in over the summer after the semester had ended. It only made sense to move in together considering the fact that we were engaged and expecting.

I stayed in school throughout my pregnancy which made my parents happy even though it was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Our parents were less than thrilled when they learned about my pregnancy, especially after all the drama Josh and I had gone through with his ex, Callie. Of course this baby was Josh's. Now five years later we had an amazing daughter named Emma who we loved more than anything. Her fifth birthday was this weekend and we were planning a huge party.

"What's wrong?" Josh asks with a laugh as he looks over at me from the kitchen where he was preparing our daughter's lunch.

"She hates everything in her closet. Every outfit she owns is on her bedroom floor" I explain in frustration making Josh chuckle as he shakes his head in amusement. "It's not funny" I whine.

"Maya it's her first day of school, she probably wants to look perfect" he defends our daughter making me roll my eyes.

"She's four Josh" I remind my fiancé as my daughter walks into the room wearing a yellow sundress.

"I'm ready" she announces making Josh and I share an amused look. It seemed she had also decided to do her hair by herself and it was hanging in lopsided pigtails.

"Can mommy help you with your hair first?" I ask as I hold out my arms.

"Fine" she sighs as she walks over to me, turning around so her back is to me. "But can it still be in pigtails?" she asks making a smile pull at my lips as I start to undo the mess that was my daughter's hair. Her hair was blonde like mine and she had Josh and I's piercing blue eyes to match. Josh said she looked like my clone but I highly disagreed. I saw Josh in every bit of our daughter from her cute little nose to her toes.

"Of course baby girl" I smile as I start to redo her hair when the doorbell rings.

"Lily" Emma exclaims making Josh laugh as he puts down the piece of bread he was buttering so he can go to answer the door.

"Niece" Josh smiles as he opens the door to reveal his niece, my best friend, Riley and her daughter Lily. Riley and Lucas had ended up getting pregnant about seven months before Josh managed to get me pregnant thus our girls were less than a year apart.

"Hey Uncle Josh" Riley replies happily as she walks into the loft with her daughter in tow. "Peaches" she greets me making a smile pull at my lips.

"Morning Riles" I reply as I finish off Emma's hair. "There you go baby girl. Why don't you and Lil go pick out some shoes for you to wear" I suggest.

"Okay. Come on Lily" Emma smiles as she takes her best friend's hand, leading her down the hall to her bedroom.

"Ready for your first day?" Riley asks brightly while taking a seat at one of the bar stools at our kitchen counter.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I reply nervously as I make my way into the kitchen to stand beside Josh. Today wasn't just Emma's first day, it was mine. I was finally finished with college and ready to start my teaching career. Riley already worked at Abigail Adams as a history teacher, taking over for her dad when he took an early retirement and now I was working there as an art teacher.

"It's gonna be great" Riley insists as her phone buzzes. "Oh this is Lucas. He probably wants to check and make sure we got here" she explains making me roll my eyes. About a year after Lily was born Riley and Lucas tied the knot and have been happily married ever since. So happy in fact that Riley was already pregnant for the second time. They found out a little over a week ago and Lucas has been extremely over protective since.

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