1, 2, 3, 4,...4 1/2,

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I don't know the first thing about babies. The Rest of the group said they'd help me raise Sapphire.

*four years later*

Sapphire said his first word today

*flash back to early today*

"Sapphire say Daddy"
I had tears of joy in my eyes.
I hugged him close and he kept saying it. I took a picture then I wrote on the picture, "baby's First word: DaDa"

*flash back over*


It's been four years since Bonnie Died and Since Sapphire was born.
I hate seeing The Fazbear family upset.
Goldie and I have been working on this project for four years now. We think we can do it. But we need Freddy's Permission to do it.

"Hey Freddy."

Freddy's ears twitched and he looked at me. Fake smiling.

"Yes Spring?" He said Through his fake smile

I whispered in his ear our plan. He perked up. He nodded happily.

We have permission to complete our plan...Now all we need is Bonnie and Sapphire.

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