we have what now ,this heffa prego , chapter : 11

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Ty'spov : it was still thanksgiving and i was sleeping until there was a knock on the door so i got up and walked to the door to see the girl my dad cheated on mom with.

ME: why u here

she pushed past me 


she walked threw the house calling his name and i am here annoyed 

Girl: whre is ur father

ME: is u that dumb what makes u think he would live here after he cheated on my mom like have common sense and get out

girl : where is he

ME: idk i don't see him he is in jail duh

she looked a me shocked 

Giirl: since when 

ME:idk and idc leave my house

Girl: if u see him (gco)

ME: i will not because i don't like him so bye bye

Girl : what ever btw u have two sisters

she then walked out boi was a mad as ever then i went back to bed .

Next morning : I woke up and did my routine and got dressed in this :

And walked  to the kitchen to see mom and Lucas so i just walked to the fridge abnd got an apple

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And walked  to the kitchen to see mom and Lucas so i just walked to the fridge abnd got an apple

M:gm sweetoie

ME: gm

i looked at her and smiled then i walked out not giving Lucas a look and drove to the prison yard .

2 hours later : i walked up there and did what i had to do and walked to the back and sat down and saw him fill end the other end of the window and when he saw me he looked shocked.

D:w.w.w.w.w.w.hat are u doing here

ME: when were u goin to tell me i had two sister's 

he looked at me shocked 

ME: yea i found out when she came to my house and told me yall must have been with each other for years to get her preggo huh well if u loved her that much then u should have left 

he did not say a word

Me: u ain't the man i call my father next time u want to cheat on some one learn how to control ur self 

i got up and walked out the place and went home

Home : ME: so ma

i walked inside and went to where she was

ME: tll me why i found out we have half sibling 

her and Lucas looked up quick

ME: yep he got the trick preggo like no tomorrow oh not only that they had them a long time ago two kids and they both girls 

she looked like she was about to cry

ME: could this day be any worse 

L: u are going to be a grandma and an auntie 















M: so u got that trick preggo now oh okay what ever 

she walked off and we heard a door slam and i shook my head 

ME: i am happy about the kid but who it is with never in a million years  will i like her

i walked off to my room and called the girls

ME: hey

them :hey what happen last night

i  told them every thing from the fight until now

don:wow so u mean u have two sisters and also and niece or nephew on the wahy

ME: yep

MY: dang

ME: but the thing is i am happy for the baby thing but who it is by never 

K: i feel u on that

C: i see 

we talked some  more then we hung up and i ate and went to mom's room and heard her talking

M: yea yea i am happy i am fine okay well bye

she was done and i walked in

ME: ma u okay

M: yea i am fine whats up

ME: nun just checking okay well i am fine so bye 

ME: bye

i walked and wondered who was that




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