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"Erika knock it off!" Jon yelled from the driver's seat clearly frustrated "Come on if I told you once I've told you a million times! Nothing is going to happen to you or to me." "You don't know that!" Erika shot back "That's what my father said. Jon this guy is dangerous." "Don't you think I know that!"
They fell silent. "I just don't want anybody else hurt because of me" Erika whispered to the window as they pulled into the CHP parking lot. Baker sighed. She blamed herself for her father's death. Nobody agreed. She has been through a lot though.
"Oh Erika. I know you want people to be safe but it really isn't your fault. Listen we'll talk after work ok?" "But-" "I promise" Erika hesitated but nodded in agreement. "Just... be careful."
Jon suddenly felt nervous as Erika left the blue pickup truck not for himself but for her. This maniac was after her. He had called the apartment just the night before. Jon didn't tell Erika. He couldn't. She would insist on going somewhere else and Jon wasn't sure he could convince her to stay this time.
"You're right Baker. She should stay where she is. It'll be safer for the both of you" Sergeant Getraer said as they walked to breifing. "But I mean what do I do sarge? Just let this man harass us? Let him hurt Er again?"
"Hey" Joe said firmly as he stepped in front of the officer "I'm sure you told Erika that everything was going to be ok and to calm down... now I think you should take your own advice." Baker just stepped around him and into breifing.
Sergeant Joseph Getraer hated seeing two of his best officers upset. He especially hated what was making them upset. The strong possibility that an attack on their best friend, Erika J. Lasky, could happen at any time. That she could die.
Joe walked into a silent room. If one officer was in trouble they all felt the pain. Together. As a family. And it seemed that they all noticed the breath of this murder breathing down their necks.
Bonnie and Sindy sat beside Erika as she tried to smile and Jon sat next to Ponch as usual. At least it's calm this morning Joe thought before proceeding with that morning's anouncments.

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