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      Grossman walked into the break room eager to call about his two friends. He paused when he saw Ponch half sitting on the table staring a his lunch, which was just a chocolate ding dong.
      "Hi Ponch!" He exclaimed. He looked up startled but then smiled. "Oh, hey Grossy. What's up?" Grossman pointed to the phone. "I was just going to call and check on Jon and Erika"
      Ponch hopped off the table. "I already did. Jon's doing fine... he's settled down a bit but he's still really scared. You know in all the years I've known him, I've never seen him so scared and shaken. Man, I was even convinced Jon never cried a day in his life and never would!"
      They laughed a little at the last part. "What about Erika? Is she awake yet?" Ponch shook his head sadly. "No... she's not doing good. I feel like I've known Erika all my life but... it's like it's ending all too fast" "Well it's not over yet Ponch" Grossman said.
      Ponch titled his head. "Yeah I guess you're right. Hey, I'm going over to visit them after work. You can join me if you want." Grossman's eyes lit up. "Love too! Oh um Ponch... can I ask you something?" Ponch waited expectantly. "Are you gonna eat that?" He looked at the ding dong still sitting on the table and laughed. "Go ahead"
      Grossman smiled and took it off the table. "Thanks!"

      Jon let himself melt back into a memory of his as he stared at the picture in his wallet. Everyone was trying to prank Jon for his birthday week and everyone succeeded too, except for Lasky; that's what it seemed like at the time.
      Erika had waited till the last minute to pull her prank which happened to be the same day as they were getting their new photos in their police uniforms.
      Jon smiled in amusement at his picture. Erika had completely photo bombed him. She was off the the side poised to throw a small birthday cake, which she did. He had to run home, get cleaned up, and then retake his photo, but the cake was delicious. He had requested to keep the original picture.
      "Hey Jon!" Ponch inturupted. "Ponch! Hey!" Jon replied happily suprised to see his partner. "You certainly look better partner!" Jon shrugged. "I'm just happy to see you. I started to feel like you didn't like me anymore" he joked and nodded at Grossy who smiled back.
      Ponch laughed. "How could anyone not like you Baker? Why, I bet you've got every nurse here crushing on you" he said with a wink.
      "Almost every nurse" Dixie said walking in with her hands tucked away in her pockets. She smiled as Ponch laughed nervously.
      "This one's mine unfortunately for Baker" Dr. Brackett joked coming up behind her. "Hey. Uh, Dr. Brackett, Ms. McCall, this is my partner Ponch..." Ponch waved, "And my friend Grossman" Grossy smiled.
      "Well, nice to meet you both" Dr. Brackett said before looking back to Jon. "It's dinner time and we thought you might like to get out of your room... permanently" Jon looked shocked. "You mean... I can go?" Kelly looked at Dixie amused. "If you feel up to it, but we think you're all set. Just take it easy."
      Jon let his head drop back and he closed his eyes and smiled. "I think that's a yes" Ponch commented. Dixie laughed lightly. "I'll get the forms and a wheelchair" she said. "And I'll take you home Jon so we can both-" Grossman cleared his throat, "so we can all get some dinner. We can catch you up on what you missed!"
      Jon opened his eyes suddenly and sat back up. "Wait a second Ponch... I appreciate that, really, but... I'd like to stay here"
       Everyone looked around at each other equally shocked. "Why?Are you feeling worse?" Grossman asked. "He must be if he wants to stay in a hospital for longer than he has too! Oh uh, no offense..."  Dr. Brackett dismissed it with a shake of his head. "Oh I uh don't mean stay as a patient... I'd like to stay and see Erika if it's alright"
      Kelly uncrossed his arms "well sure" He said, smiling. "We'll get an orderly to take you to her... unfortunately she's still unconcious though" Jon swallowed hard "She's still critical then" he said, not really meaning it as a question.
      "Doc... Isn't there anything you can do?" Ponch asked. Kelly stared at him seriously. "We're doing all we can do to keep her alive. She's already going to have to forget about using that leg and we won't know about brain damage until she wakes up but that at least looks negative so far"
      "Wait" Jon inturupted in alarm, "what about her leg?" "All of her other bones are healing fine and we're pretty certain that she'll wake up soon" the doctor said still talking to Ponch. "What about her leg" Jon repeated slowly.
      Dixie walked over to him with her head slightly down as Kelly slowly turned his gaze back to the patient. She took his hand. "I'm afraid that... it looks like that leg is never going to heal properly or fully" she said gently. 
      Dr. Brackett shook his head regretfully. "Best case senerio, she won't be able to walk without... help. If it's worse... she won't be able to walk at all. I'm sorry, really. I tried but we just have to wait now"
      Grossy and Ponch exchanged fearful looks. "If she cant walk, she won't be able to be a CHP officer... or an officer at all. It- it'll crush her..." Grossman breathed.
       Jon's sky blue eyes stared straight ahead in disbelief. It'll crush her... it'll crush her...

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