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      Jon and Getraer pulled their gloves on but jumped at the sound of gunfire and then a loud crash. They ducked and whirled around quickly. Baker's eyes widened in pure horror.
      The scene before him moved in slow motion as he watched Erika crash to the ground. The bike screeched away from her creating bright, orange, sparks.
       His heart stoped and he choked. "Erika!" He shouted and both sergeant and officer ran for their friend. Suddenly the bike exploded and sent shards or glass and metal flying everywhere. Harlan slammed backward into the garage and Jon and Joe hit the ground.
      Ponch, Bonie and Barry ran out of the door. "Call the fire department!" Ponch yelled to Bonnie before running to assist his partner. Jon was trying, very shakily, to get up. "Stay down partner. It's gonna be alright" Ponch could see the signs of a concussion take ahold of his best friend but that wasn't what Jon was concerned about.
      The blonde managed to get to his feet and half run half stumble to Erika. "Jon!" Getraer called out. He only had minor scrapes on his hands. Noise and lights were all around Baker while the officers tried to douse the fire.
      Erika lay motionless on her side on the hard ground. She had been far enough from the bike not to get hit by the explosion but Jon could still see she was hurt... bad.
      He gently rolled her onto her back and let out a low cry. Her face was scratched and her eyes were closed. He could see clearly where she had been shot; twice in her right leg and once in her right arm. Her uniform shirt was torn and dusted with ash and bloodied.
      Jon touched his forehead to her's as his shoulders shook. Choking on tears, he cradled Erika's motionless, small, frame close to his. Her breath barely stirred his hair or brushed his skin. "Oh gosh... please! You have to be alright! P-p-please..." Ponch held Jon's shoulder. "Jon. You’re hurt... come on just-" Ponch tried to pull him away but he just pushed back. "Jon-" "No! No don't touch her!"
      A deep feeling of fear, anger, and regret welled up in Ponch as he watched his best friend hold his true love. It's not right! It's not fair! He finally found someone and now... now...
      The situation was just so helpless. Officers were searching but failing to find the slightest clue or trace of the gunman. More officers had gotten the fire in the garage out and we're helping an injured Harlan to his feet.
      It seemed a bit ironic to Ponch that the worst accident should happen to the most careful officers in their own backyard. There was something... truly evil about it.
      Jon brushed Erika's hair away from her scarred face and tenderly kissed her cheek. A single tear slipped down his cheek and on to her's. She didn't stir.
      A van rolled into the parking lot boasting the number four on the side in bright red. The word news was spelled under it. At almost the exact same time, the ambulance rolled in along with the fire department.
      The cameras started rolling and the firemen got busy. Ash floated and people swarmed like bees. Jon stayed still. He just wanted to hold on; to Erika... to life. To any small peice of peace he had left.
      Before he could protest Jon was pulled backward and Erika was placed quickly on a gurney. "Let's move!" The paramedic yelled quickly and hopped into the ambulance with her. Jon struggled and tried to tear away from the arms holding him. "No! No, please! Don't take her... don't take her away from me!"
      "Jon come on now you got hurt" Turner argued sternly, "Now you gettin yourself killed isn't gonna help Erika or anyone else for that matter. Don't make things worse..." Jon settled and watched the ambulance drive away with its flashing lights.
      His eyes were pale and tired and his shoulders dropped in crushing hopelessness. "Now... they're gonna take you to the hospital and get you checked out-" "I wanna be with Erika!" "And you will be" Ponch soothed, "but we have to get you well."
      "All three of you" one of the remaining paramedics said. He was talking about Jon, Getraer, and Harlan.
      Reluctantly, Jon stepped into the second ambulance. As they traveled along silently with nothing but the piercing whine of the siren, Jon couldn't help but think. And very briefly and painfully, he thought about what life would be like without Erika. So this is love huh... it sucks.

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