Truth Be Told

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Hello lovely readers!

I've been gone a long time I know, and I'm sorry. :( The new chapter for DoTS S2 is coming slowly, and I'm having a hard time writing the action scenes. Not to mention all of the storylines that pop up in my head, distracting me whenever there's a scene with KiKyo or GooWon (Yeah, I am a sucker for these two couples). Anyway, here's a special chapter to keep you guys busy while I finish up the new chapter. This is supposed to be included in the main story, but I got a lot of comments that Eun Mi and Dr. Park and taking too much part in the story so I decided to delete it and post it here as a special chapter instead :)

I hope everyone enjoys this short story! Please tell me what you think. I really want to improve my writing, so if you want to review please leave a comment. Or if you just want to say hi, please also leave a comment. Or message me! My inbox is always open for you. Also I noticed that I wasn't giving any dedications lately and I'm lame for missing that, so please read the note at the end to find out how to win a dedication :)

This is dedicated to @pikachuxoxo123 for the undying support for my book even through the slow updates. Your comments always make my day and motivate me to update :)

Vote. Comment and follow if you want :) I love you all. I'm gonna stop yapping now so you can get on with the story :)


Eun Mi has been avoiding Dr. Park since that morning, and working in the same department did not help her case at all. She has managed to survive until lunch but when she went to the vending machine for a soda, Dr. Park appeared suddenly.

"Omo! You surprised me!" she exclaimed, holding her hand to her chest to try to calm her heart down. Park Minseok only gave her a smirk.

"I just wanted to know how you were doing, but you've been avoiding me all morning."

"I wanted to avoid you the whole week," she mumbled under her breath, turning her head away from him so he wouldn't hear.

"What was that?"

She faced him faking a huge smile saying, "I said, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?"

He looks at her curiously, as if trying to see past her facade, but when Eun Mi doesn't let anything slip, he replies with "Because you were so hammered last night you couldn't even remember where your own house was."

Memories from the previous night flashed back into Eun Mi's head in a blur. She couldn't remember most of what happened after she bribed the bartender to serve her something hard. After several shots she took a whole glassful of the drink and headed out. She remembered that she talked to somebody about her mother but...

"No way." she muttered out loud.

Dr. Park only stared at her, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. It couldn't be, she thought. Could the person with her last night be doctor Park?


Eun Mi sat at the edge of the huge fountain outside the venue. She had left to get some fresh air, but now that she had tasted it, she didn't want to go back into the stuffy party, not to mention that pig that was introduced to her. She remembered his name because her own mother had tried setting them up on a date before. She had to fake a diarrhea to get out of it. She stayed two hours in the bathroom until her mother finally stopped banging on her door to cancel the date.

She fought the urge to close her eyes, even with the faint buzzing in her head, her body clearly telling her she had to stop drinking.

"There you are!" somebody spoke, "I've been looking everywhere for you." It was Dr. Park, or at least that's who Eun Mi thought it was. She was so drunk, it hurt to keep her eyes wide open. "What are you even doing here?" He tried to lift her from where she made herself comfortable, but she wouldn't budge.

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