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The road and nature outside were blurry from the speed. But the feeling of the wind in my hair felt wonderfully here in the especially hot summer day. I closed my eyes for a short time, while resting my head in my hand, as the sunbeams from the glowing sun kissed my fair skin.

The combination of the wind in my hair and the sun on my nose tip and cheekbones made me smile slightly.

“So Ellie - I know it might be a nerve wrecking day meeting all these new people, but just know they too started as new beginners just like you honey! There’s no need to worry, I’m sure they’ll be very kind to you - and if you need anything at all you just ask grandfather. Or you call me okay honey?” My mum babbled off, as she kept her eyes on the road and her hands tightly around the steering wheel.

Though I was lost in my own thoughts - drowning in the sun, it wasn’t till she lightly touched the hair reaching my back I took notice. Slowly and caringly she let it run up to my shoulder blade - still focused on the road, occasionally looking over at me.

“Ellie - did you hear me?”

I lifted my head and turned to look at her, “yeah I’ll call. Promise.”

She nodded satisfied with my brief answer and returned her attention to the road, though her hand still caressed my shoulder blade. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect moment - the warm comfortable sun beams, the light scratty radio from which a chill tune floated, the soft wind and my mother’s loving strokes. I could almost forget where we were going - just almost forget how I had to meet my new co workers and try to make a good first impression in just ten till fithteen minutes of time. Though I hoped it might turn out with them plainly ignoring me. If I could just do my part of work without having to talk with anybody…

Though it wasn’t very nice to consider my way too close future prospects of starting at my new summer job in my Grandfather’s small local cinema. The good thing was I knew the place as well as anybody could - the bad thing was there would most definitely be other people. Other human beings I had to work with. But I forced myself to only focus on this unpleaseant matter - so my mind wouldn’t wander to him. His jade green eyes which had that perfect green shade, his brown hair … I had kept myself from drawing him so far - it was only in my dreams, where I would come too close sometimes. 

It was better if I could think of my horror of meeting with the people I had to work with the rest of the summer, than thinking of him - it was worth it. If I could think of that instead of him - if that was what I had to do to keep my bloody mind of him - then I would do it. What wouldn't happen if I let it slip? 

“And you just call me anytime okay honey! Grandfather will drive you home later!” My mum yelled from the car, as she had opened the door and was halfway inside.

I nodded and waved after her, my heart somewhere near the pitch of my stomach, as I stood with my back against the big glass doors of the entrance. It was a classic old fashioned kind of cinema - the first of its kind in this area. Therefore the traditional sign hanging above the entrance had that 20’s feeling to it, with the black letters you had to put in place yourself, to show the showtimes and movies on the program for today. Even the row of light bulbs were traced around the sign in the old fashioned way.

As I was about to die of warmth here in the windstill spot, where the sun was beating down on me, I sighed heavily and turned around to push open the glass door - dreading it with every step.

Inside the familiar scent of popcorn met me - and just the faintest scent of my granddad’s pibe as well. But only because I had combined those two scents ever since I had been little. The carpet was crimson red and the walls covered with vintage movie posters. An original Breakfast at Tiffany’s and the original poster edition of the first Star Wars movie produced.

After filling up one wall my grandparents had decided to move onto the next wall opposite - now it was almost like a collage of posters on either sides. A few newer ones were added too - but only those which would be classics for sure. I remembered when I helped hanging up my first poster, as granddad had held me in his arms and shown me where to put it.

A stranger would probably stop up and stare at the amazing timeline collage of movie posters, but I was so used to the sight, that I simply continued into the main hall.

Dark wood covered the front desk and the desk of the candy shop, also every door handle and bannister. I loved it like this - way more than those fancy modern cinemas. They tended to lose the authenticity, the feeling of an actual cinema. But this one had remained in a classic style, which I knew my grandfather intended to keep it in - and fight for it to stay like this. I couldn’t agree more on his decision.

The place was pretty quiet since it was only 11 AM - and in this weather only very, very few movie enthusiasts would go to the cinema. No it was the café in the charming backyard, that would attract visitors a day like this - which was also the reason the place was open.

I looked around kind of expecting someone to be waiting for me or something - maybe I should go to granddad’s office? Or maybe I should go check some of the rooms? I was pretty sure there wasn’t any movies being shown at the moment - if so you could sense it. You could just sense that one of the halls were filled with people. The place would have this buzzing feeling to it.

“Well you certainly look terribly lost!” A light voice greeted me from behind and I spun around to take in the sight of a girl at my age, with lilac colored hair and heavy dark eye make up, which made my brows fly up in surprise. She sent me a smile as she hitched up in a box she was having trouble lifting, as she made her way around the ticket box’ desk.

I didn’t really know what to answer or say, so I just watched her in slight awe. She was wearing that black t-shirt which the staff here had to wear, along with black tight ripped jeans and a pair of mint green Dr. Martens boots.

I wasn't actually prepared to already meet my first colleague - and I was totally baffled by the appearance of this one. I gulped but the words still seemed trapped in my throat. Oh crap.  

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