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[part 2 of double update]

[harry’s pov]

“Oh my god!” I turned my head to see the girl from a few days ago whom I had given an autograph while she in return had offered me a free croissant. I couldn’t help but smile widely - it felt so right being here in the small cinema that seemed like something from the twenties. I had always felt like stepping into a time machine when going in here. The black and white posters by the entrance and then the cozy cinema hall with the ticket office, tiny café and view out into the back yard, which was always filled with flowers and the small apple trees with the fairy lights creating a beautiful mood. Gemma had stayed in the car because she wanted to call Amelie Cooper and let her know I would join her to that garden-party on Friday.

“When I said we would love you to return - I didn’t mean like, that you had to come the same week!” The girl - Maddie I think her name was - joked at me with the widest grin. An older couple was seated out in the yard at one of the tables with two cups of steamy coffee. A mum and her little son were looking in a cinema brochure - but other than that the place was quiet and empty. But after all it was just afternoon and the weather had been amazing today.

“Well this place always seems to draw me in,” I smiled back at her politely - and somehow it truly did. When I had turned off the road to get here and passed that other car which had been driving out it had felt strangely right. Just absolutely right to be here. Like my heart came at ease; kind of like the feeling you would get by the sea a windstill day when the waves would make you question how they could sluggishly roll in without there being any wind. And you would just be lost in the pastel blue view, and the sun would warm your skin and you would just be at peace. It would just feel so right.

“Yeah, it really is an amazing spot,” Maddie sighed with a sad smile. For a moment she looked absolutely lost in thoughts over something, her eyes flickered to me as if she didn’t really see me and then something happened. I could see it so clearly; something changed in her eyes and her features lit up. She grew excited and her eyes were now focusing directly on me while some longing question rested on her lips - I almost wanted to ask her what it was, before we were interrupted.

“Harry Styles! Oh my fucking God!” I turned around to see a group of three teen girls - literally freak out - as they stormed closer but stopped just far enough away from me that I felt trapped, but they didn’t come too close to touch me.

I could hear Maddie sigh deeply, as I told the three girls a polite ‘hey’. They were behaving like something that wasn’t human - not really at least. The one in the middle who had long dark hair, extremely full lips, a white leather handbag and far too much mascara seemed in charge, as she seemed more in control; more mature. They were probably my age maybe a year younger.

“Excuse me - but didn’t I tell you to fuck off earlier?”

I turned around completely baffled to see Maddie send death stares at the girls after her harshly spoken words, but they seemed to ignore her completely - their full attention on me.

“I’m Zara - Zara Cooper,” the middle one who seemed in charge said. She was so direct that I felt flustered for a second; the last few days there hadn’t been too many fans noticing me and being all over me like these three.

“I can’t believe it’s you! You must know my sister - Amelie - she was in Gemma’s class! Oh my god - are you coming on Friday? My sister told me Gemma is!” Zara Cooper stated while she let her eyes wander up and down on me, like some hungry wolf.

“I - eh,” What? Amelie Cooper’s little sister? What were the odds? I smiled awkwardly wanting to take a step back to take a breath - I was still exhausted after that night with the intense panic attack, but the ticket office’s desk met my back and I couldn’t step away.

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