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[harry’s pov]

“Oh come on! You two are totally ganging up on me - and you know what? I still won’t do it!” I watched as Gemma rolled her eyes, while my mum shook her head lightly.

“Well this is simply democracy Harold. Come on please, please? It’ll be fun!” Gemma pressed on going over to the strategy of using puppy eyes. Only minutes ago we had been laughing over something stupid, which had resulted in me ‘painting’ her cheek with nutella. It was a normal morning - or well and too early for my taste. That was the problem with these two female creatures I had lived most of my life with; they were so awfully productive. And sleeping long each day definitely did not fall under that category.

“I am just not gonna watch the freaking Bridget Jones movies with you! No, no, no! I am a guy? You do realize that right?” I was not going to give under. No freaking way.

“Oh yeah - just the regular guy who happens to have a pink fragrance with a silver crown as lid. And by the way the scent of it - is probably the most girly scent I have ever come across in my entire life,” she said so with a growing smirk. And I knew she had been waiting to say that - for a long, long time. I narrowed my eyes at her, as I heard my mum start chuckling at the two of us, while turning something on the pan. Probably more scrambled egg.

“Well at least I got my own fragr-”

“Cut it off you too! Jesus. Okay Harry the Bridget Jones marathon was planned long ago when we thought you weren’t going to make it for the week. But then we’ll have to think of something else for tonight - any ideas? Use those creative brains of yours, you’re certainly creative when it comes to snapping at each other!” My mum spoke to us, while pouring the eggs onto our three platters.

I grabbed the fork and immediately dug in - only to have Gemma sigh at me, “what? I’m hungry!”

“Yeah but you’re still a human being. Jesus Harold.” I sent her a crooked smile and took her suggestion to slow down. Instead I got up to get out the juice from the fridge.

“How about we go to a restaurant?” Gemma suggested, while I enjoyed the fact that the juice carton was exactly where it used to be. That was how ‘feeling home’ felt. When you knew exactly where in the fridge the different things were placed.

“No way - I’m not missing out on even one dinner at home with mum’s cooking, Gemmy,” I flashed mum a wide smile while heading back to my seat.

“Fine. You got any suggestion curly mr. popstar then?”

“How about we go to that little cinema in town. You remember? The one we watched Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in? It’s still up and running right?” I asked hopefully - trying to sound casually at the same time. My gaze wandered back and forth between mum and Gemma, who had very different reactions to the suggestion.

My mum seemed totally sentimental at the idea of me remembering that time when we were little and would go to that very cinema so very often, while Gemma seemed to think ‘what the hell is he talking about’.

“You can’t remember? Oh come on Gem! Are you kidding me? This is actually quite disappointing. But I guess that’s what happens when you grow old,” I sighed dramatically and stabbed a tomato from my plate.

“Oh no, no wait. Was it that place where we threw popcorn after people when the movie had started and turned out to be boring?” I nodded as response.

“Oh man. That was times. Well I’m in then! No one will ever expect us two to be the ones throwing the popcorns this time - it’ll be perfect!”

I chuckled and shook my head lightly at her craziness. “So it’s a deal then?”


[ellie’s pov]

Kit turned out to be one of a kind as well, though more chilled than Maddie for sure. And less dramatic. And less colorful. With brown eyes, wild dark brown hair and a smile to kill for, he was the laid back type who also turned out to be one hell of a fantasy fan.

“Please come tonight Ellie - please? I swear it’s not with my good will I’m staying either. It’s just cus Maddie got me into making this deal, that she’ll stay and watch Star Wars when they show that one - if I see this movie with her tonight!” Kit pleaded with a crooked smile, while I took a bite of my croissant - almost convinced. We had already prepared the café and people were starting to arrive for their afternoon tea meetings.

I looked up to see Maddie sent a friendly smile to an elderly lady, who seemed on the edge of fainting at the sight of the younger girl’s heavy makeup. Did I want to go? It wasn’t the fact that it hadn’t been fun with these two so far - but it had still been a long day for someone who - well had to struggle through every conversation. Even with Kit and Maddie.

“I don’t know really. I think I’m supposed to help my mum with …. something so.” I looked down at my hands. Why did I feel so dead nervous? Like every sentence I said would sound stupid, foolish, childish? I kept wondering if they judged me. If they thought I was weird. If they would suddenly give me the silence treatment like some of my classmates would suddenly do, after having ‘tried befriending me’. Turned out it had merely been for their own entertainment.

“Oh. It’s fine then - but you’ll still come to work for the rest of the week right? Same time? I’ll be here - and so will Maddie - the entire summer through. You simply won't get rid of us! And I seriously need the money for the college loan I made,”  Kit sighed dramatically and took a drink of the coca cola glass bottle.

“So do you know what you want to study? You start after the summer right?” Kit asked seeming genuinely interested.

“Eh. Yeah I guess. I haven’t really applied anywhere to be honest and it didn’t really feel as it’s already over you know? Things just went so… quietly by I barely noticed it’s over.” That was the truth. I had no idea what I wanted. Okay that wasn’t true - I wanted to study art, but with the ‘thing’ that happened whenever I drew something. Well that kind of problematized that dream quite a lot actually. If only I knew a way to turn it off or something.

“So how about you? What are you studying? You just finished your first year … right?” Gosh I sounded stupid. But to my luck Kit didn’t seem to think so, as he nodded enthusiastically while watching Maddie again, who was handling some orders.

“Creative writing and some history. But I don’t know man. I mean it’s fine and everything but yeah.. that’s also just about that I can say,” he took another sip of the bottle, “but I think you should always just do what you feel like. Follow your instinct. Don’t let anything stop you - especially not fear. I mean what’s the worst that can happen right?”

“Right,” I echoed his speech. Right. What was the worst that could happen? Though Kit was talking about studies - and maybe life in general - my mind was set on something completely different. Maybe I should just do it? Maybe I should just draw him? What was the worst that could happen?

Suddenly I couldn’t wait to get home. My heart was racing, as Kit’s words echoed; what’s the worst that could happen?

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