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“Wait - are you Ellie? Jack’s granddaughter? You are, aren’t you? There’s something about you which reminds me of him … you know? Something about… your nose i think. It’s so weird how that shifts from family to family don’t you think?” She babbled off, as she started crossing the place heading for the door leading to one of the cinemas’ back rooms, in which the movie projector was placed.

A bit startled I just stood there and watched her, until she motioned with her head for me to follow.

“Ehm - what shifts from family to family?” I asked carefully as I entered the door after her.

“The genetical resemblance in looks you know? Like you can totally tell your Jack’s granddaughter - but like I look absolutely nothing like my mother! Hell I would die if I did though ha! Not that she’s not pretty but just - damn. Anyhow it’s so strange - and like you know - why on earth are some born into poverty and others into wealth? You following me? We will just never know,” she spoke a lot. But I didn’t have to then, so I didn’t really mind. She placed the box on a free table next to the projector.

She took a deep breath and smiled at me, “but I guess we can’t do much about chances like those - anyhow. Kit is coming soon with the sandwiches and chocolate croissant for the cafe - in any minute actually. So you’ve seen Man of Steel yet?”

Holy crap she talked a lot. Her words came out in a stream of noises and she gesticulated a hell lot too when she spoke.

“Man of Steel?” I felt so dumb. So far I had only asked her questions, because I wasn’t sure what she was even talking about.

“Yeah the new superman movie! Would you say Henry Cavill or Brandon Routh is the hottest? I mean it’s a tough choice right?… actually really really tough! It's like having to choose between cookies and coffee ice cream you know? Impossible!” She continued, as she leaned against the table with the small of her back and crossed her arms. A frown on her face, she sighed heavily as if the question was beyond possible to ever find the real answer to.

I had no idea there was a new superman movie out - and I had no idea who either of those two men were. And I had never tasted coffee ice cream.

But I didn’t want to ask more dumb questions so I just shrugged and mentioned the only name I had caught onto, “Henry is very… handsome I guess?”

“Good point. And he’s way more like superman… I mean. Have you seen that guy’s jawline? Not to mention his...” before she could continue her phone started ringing with a pop tune. I could just make out the words one way or another I’m gonna find ya, before she answered the call and thereby muted the ringtone. The voice singing the words had given me a strange feeling. The raspy voice had seemed weirdly familiar in some way. But I was absolutely sure I had never heard it before.

As soon as the song was interrupted by - whatever her name was - answering the call the feeling of deja vu disappeared as mist under the sun. I had already forgotten about it again, as I listened closely to whatever the girl opposite to me with her dark goth like make up and pastel shoes and hair, was talking about.

“You have the most exquisite pleasure of talking to the absolutely legendary Maddie - how can I help you good sir? Or woman. Or ... ehm mix?” She looked at me with a grin on her face and a spark in her light green eyes, which hide behind the heavy layer of make up. I wasn’t sure most would define her as beautiful - the heavy eye makeup kind of shadowed her actual features, but her smile was lovely and her personality seemed well quite bubbly, which kind of over shined it all. So I actually found her quite pretty - even with her strange… style. Which I couldn’t really describe properly. I didn't mind she was kind of an outcast though - I guessed I was too so who was I to judge?

Her eyes grew wide with excitement as the voice answered her, though I couldn't make out the muffled talking.

“Oh hello Kit you’re calling at the perfect time - who’s hottest Henry Cavill or Brandon Routh? And yes we know perfectly well you’re an awfully straight guy - now make your pick!” My brows flew up in surprise over her blunt question and sassy tone. I couldn't help smiling widely in amusement, while she sent me a smirk as if she had said all of this so we could both join in on the fun.

“Kit says Henry too,” Maddie said to me still with the phone against her ear, “yeah Ellie is pretty cool. Blonde. No, I don’t think you should try to do that you dumbass. She’s under my watch now - well hell yes! I saw her first!”

I was guessing ‘Kit’ had asked about whom she was talking with - and then about me - maybe? and what had he been wanting to try? I could feel a faint blush grow in my cheeks over the well unwanted attention, as Maddie pushed herself of the table and motioned for me to come along.

I followed her closely, as she kept speaking into the phone; “well yeah I hope she is! - Ellie? Are you gonna stay tonight to the outdoor backyard show here?”

Oh. Occasionally there would be shown a movie outside in the backyard of this cinema. When the weather was really really good - like today and there was no chance for rain. In my childhood I had spent so terribly many hours out there in the summer vacation just lying on my stomach in the warm nights and laughing over the funny Disney characters in the movies on the screen, while my grandparents and parents would sit at a table nearby the window and talk, while laughing and drinking wine or whatever, as the evening grew more and more late. Eventually someone - I think it was my grandmother - had mentioned the idea of making it into events where cinema guests could come and watch a movie outdoor.

Which meant more had joined in ocasionally. Though I had always just been totally fascinated with the movies, which mostly were drawn ones, as the other kids would be chatting and playing around me not able to concentrate on the film itself.

Later it had turned into shows with more mature films, so elder people and teens would join too.

There would be pillows and blankets on the small grass area - and I had been the one to come up with the idea of hanging lights in the three small trees out there, which functioned as a roof practically. It had even been in several bigger newspapers, because of the coziness of the place. By now people had to even order tickets for night like these.

“I think that tonight they’re showing... - wait.” Maddie spoke to both me and ‘Kit’, which was quite confusing, “aren’t they showing. Do you know what they're showing Kit?"

I followed her out the door as she held it open for me, nodding as she listened closely.

"Hm-mm. Yeah. Wasn't that next week? Oh okay. Yeah no I'll just check the program," before I knew it she was running to the desk and grabbing one of the cinemas brochures, "I'm absolutely sure actually - if I'm right you owe me a bagel."

She was flicking quickly through the few pages till she reached the right one, "I KNEW IT! It was that one with the two who randomly meet in some city - Before Sunrise! HA you owe me a bagel, Kit. The Intoucables is shown next Wednesday." 

Maddie sent me a winning smile as she made a small victory dance in her pastel green Dr. Martens boots on the red carpet. And for the first time in a week I was nowhere near thinking about Harry.

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a/n: so you like maddie? :D haha ^^

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