Chapter 1

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"Hey guys hope ya like my story ik it might seem lame or be lame or idk at the begining middle and end but i suck at writing im just trying it out bc my BFF encouraged me so here it is [ima stop talking] Hope u like it ❤"
This story used to be called "Cold Hearted" but changed it bc it didnt make sence.

Pov: Emory Johnson

I was finally laying down on my cosy bed for a big sleep, today had been a long exhausted day. I started to fall asleep when my phones rings making me almost jump up from my bed. I pick up my phone and I saw everything blurry, I couldnt tell who was calling, I look around my room trying to find my glasses but they were no were to be found. I could tell the answer button so I just answered.
Me: Hello?
Katherine: Hey Emory
Me: Oh hey Mrs Gilinsky
Katherine: Oh cmon I thought we had gone to an agreement of you calling me katherine
Me: Oh yea im sorry im just so tired that it just came out but im all ears
Katherine: Aww ill make this quick, could you come tomorrow morning and help me with some stuff please
Me : Oh yea sure ill help, wat time you want me to go
Katherine: Around 11 maybe, I dont want you to wake up extra early just for me
Me: Oh ok ill be there
Katherine: Ok thanks Emory
Me: No problem
We ended the call and I got out of bed, I had to find my glasses but they were not in my room. I walk to the living room and keep looking for them but I don't see them. I go to the kitchen and its the same thing nothing. I hear a knock on the door and i go open it. Max? What are u doing here?, did we have a date and i didnt remember, I said panicking. "No no baby we didn't had anything planned so you can calm down, I'm just here to bring you u
Your glasses, he said smiling and handing me my glasses. OMG, did i leave them at your place, now i know why I couldn't find them here, I said and covered my face. "Yea baby but its alright your just tired, ill leave now so you can sleep baby ok, he said and pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back, we stayed there for a while because I just wanted to hug him. I stand up in my tippy toes and rap my hands around his neck we are face to face and he kisses me. We break the kiss and I smile. "Ok then ill see you tomorrow"? He said he starts to walk away when I hold his arm and pull him in again. Stay with me tonight, I don't want to be lonely tonight please, I said holding his hand and doing a sad face. "Ok ill stay just because of that pretty face", he said and pulled my cheek playfully and headed to my room. Hey that's not nice I said and ran after him. We went to bed and I fell asleep instantly. The next morning...
"Good morning baby, how did you sleep"? I woke up and and slowly turned around to face him, Great I slept like if I hadn't slept for weeks. "That's great, ima go to the kitchen and make our self's some breakfasts ok", he said and left. I turned to my night stand and grabbed my glasses, I check my phone and the clock reads 10:48am, Fuck its almost 11 I hurried and changed into a simple tee shirt and jeans and my converse, I did myself a quick ponytail and rushed downstairs. I could smell the delicious food that Max was making. "Wow you came down fast, I guess you can say my food makes you come running", he said and smirked. Hahaha you thought I came rushing bc I have to go to Mrs Gilinskys house and its almost 11 and I dont want to be rude. I said sitting down at the kitchen table. "Whos Mrs Gilinsky"? he said placing a plate in front of me. Um she's a friend of my mother but I kinda got close to her because she helped me more than my own mother so I appreciate her for doing that and we sometimes help each other. "Ohh that makes sense, is it far?" He said sitting down to eat. Is wat far? I said looking confuzed "Mrs Gilinskys house", Oh nah its like a couple of min. "Ill take you then, ima go with Ray (my brother) and hang out. Oh ok then I said and we finished eating....
Ok lets go I dont want to have Mrs Gilinsky waiting god Max hurry just leave the plates! I said walking to the door, meanwhile he was trying to wash the dishes as fast as he could. "Ok ok I'm coming". I got in the car and he followed shortly. We drove for a while until he found the house I gave him a kiss and turned to open the door which was locked. Max?!? Let me out cmon you know I'm in a hurry and I'm not playing I turned to him. "Wow ok chill baby I just want another kiss and I'll let you go please!? OMG Max I said and gave him a quick kiss. "You see that was easy, he smirked and unlocks the door. I make a weird funny face and got out. I ran to the front door and knocked. "Oh hey Emory you made it, I thought you weren't coming", she said. Oh of course I was coming sorry I woke up a little late but I got here as soon as i could. "Oh its ok" she said walking to the living room and me following. So what do you need help on? I asked as I sat down. "Well my son Jack is coming to town with his friend and I want to throw him a party" Ohhh so you want me to help you with the party? "Yes exacly" she said smiling.

"Hopefully ya enjoy this chapter, and got the format i write. Thanks for reading ill update tomorrow or tonight"

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