Chapter 26

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Hi again ♡♡


"What the..??!!, What happened to your beautiful dress you had!?", mom said. I could tell she wanted to scream at me, but she had to sustain herself to not make a scene. Well my beautiful aunt thought I looked a bit too how do I say it.. hmm not my style. She knows me soo well that she knew I only got the dress only to satisfy you. But I thought to myself, why would I do that and decided to wear the dress, I said smiling widely. I saw my mom's face turn red.. and it wasn't because she got embarrass, it was that she was furious, and couldn't yell at me in this moment and I took advantage of it, I thought to myself. Well I'm gonna go have fun cuz its my aunts wedding and why wouldn't I, I said and walked to were Max was. "Hello my beautiful", he said smiling. Whats up with you?, I said curiously. "What can I not say that?", he raised an eyebrow. No sure you can its just it sounded weird, I raised an eyebrow back at him. But who cares lets go dancing!!! I pulled him to the dance floor and danced the night out..

Next day...

I woke up tired as hell I barely wanted to get up. But my aunt wanted all of us to eat breakfast together, like why not dinner or lunch. I headed to the shower and took a quick shower got dressed and headed down were Max was. He wasn't in the room so as I guessed he was here. I took a seat and could tell the vibe was a bit thick. We all well almost all ate in silence my parents cough* cough* . My aunt was talking her ass off with my other aunts and uncles, while my side was quite as hell. She then tried to make conversations with my mom but she just stood up and walked away. I felt like she wanted to explode, because of what happen last night but thank God she didnt. We all continued to eat as if noting had happen but I still could sense the vibe being weird.
We all finished eating and I knew exactly what I was going to do Pack!! Cuz I was going to head home. We agreed not to stay long since it does get chaotic in here and as we I mean Max, Ray and I. We all packed and were ready to leave Chicago in the afternoon. We said our goodbye's to everyone and left yes I said bye to mom too
Our flight was so tiring we fell asleep as soon we got on the plane. I didn't even wake up once for it.
After about 2 hours we arrive in Nebraska. We took a cab to the house and Ray took his own to go to his place. I was still tired so decided to take a nap in the car, why not right..
"Baby, we're here wake up", Max said. Huh..? Ugh okay, I move from his lap and get out of the car. Max grabs the luggage and I just walk to the front door. I get my keys out of my purse and unlock it. WE'RE BACK!! I screamed so they would know we were here, but nothing happen. Max then comes with all the stuff and places them in the living room I wondered were they could be..
"Huh guess there not here, Max said getting closer. Yeah I guess.. I grabber my luggage and headed up stairs I needed to unpack and take a shower its been a long as day..  Wait! Are u going to stay? I ask Max stopping half way. Um well if you don't mind I'm gonna head home since I'm going to go work tomorrow, he said. No its fine, I'll see you later then, I said and continue to walk to my bedroom. I unpack all the stuff and take a long bath, I felt really relaxed. I got out and headed to my bed that I hadn't seen for days. I jump in and take a long ass nap..



I felt like doing something fun today, but didn't know what exactly. I walk to the living room to see Johnson and Lexi just watching TV. "Hey G, what's up?", Johnson said. Nun much, guys don't ya feel like doing something fun? "Like what?", Lexi said. Um like maybe going to... ?? To..? Oh go to Six flags. "Wow Six Flags, haven't been there since we were little, Johnson said laughing. Cmon I'll be fun. "Yeah cmon let's go", Lexi said looking at Johnson. "Okay fine let's go", he finally agreed and I headed upstairs. I wasn't going to third wheel all day with them so I called Isabella.
Isabella: Hey what's up
Me: Nun much just wondering what your doing
Isabella: Um nun much just watching TV what about you?
Me: nothing just calling a beautiful girl to see if she wants to come with me and my friends to Six Flags.
Isabella: To Six Flags, laughs
Me: What I'll be fun plus you'll get to meet my friends
Isabella: laughing, um okay sure let's go
Me: pick you up in about 15 min okay
Isabella: Okay I'll be ready
I hang up and head down stairs. Guess who ya are going to meet today, I said smiling. "Omg  is it who I think it is!", Lexi said excited.  "Is it that girl you been seeing", Johnson said. Yep so let's go, I said and we headed to the car, "I got shotgun!" Johnson screamed and got into the car, Lexi running after him. We drove to Isabella's house and she was just sitting on her porch when we got there. She walked up to the car and got in. "Hello", she said smiling. "Hiii I'm Lexi and this is Johnson", Lexi said excitingly smiling "Hi", Johnson said turning back. We drove to Six Flags and after a while we had arrived. We all got out and made our way to the entrance, we paid and started the fun. We rode so many rides, played so many games, got prizes and the best of all we ate a lot of junk food. I told you guys this would be really fun, I said laughing. "Yep I don't know why we didn't come here earlier", Lexi said. "Yes we should hang out in here more often", Johnson said. It was a crazy and perfect day..

Hope ya like the chapter
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