Chapter 33

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I didn't think of it much, I just shrugged it off and continued to look at stuff. "Hey sorry my boss was.." Its okay you don't have to explain, I get it you have your job, I said cutting him off before he could finish. "And this is why I love you so much", he steps closer grabbing my waist and pulls me closer to him. I giggle and he smiles, we walk around for a bit before the movie and ended up buying a bit of stuff I saw along the way. We went into the theater got our tickets and headed to the snacks you cant go in without snacks its obvious, we grabbed popcorn, drinks and candy, after that we head into the movie room.
After the movie...
The movie was not even scary, it was mostly funny since it was comedy/horror. Max had his hand around me the whole time, I felt relieved and I actually felt happy. We kept walking into the side streets that we have, they look like old France or something off a romantic movie. Max grabs my hand and we head into this really nice restaurant, it was so nice it had roses everywere and they had people playing music, it looked so beautiful. Max asks the guy for a table and he made us follow him to an available spot. He then whispered something to the waiter and the waiter shakes his head and he leaves. I didnt think much of it since he's done that before and it's just for the wine or something simple. "Do you like it?", Max said while we sit. Um yess, I've never seen this place before or heard of it, its so unique, I said smiling. "Im glad you like it", he said as the waiter comes with our menus and our wine. I picked the special spaghetti and meatballs and Max picked lasagna and now was the waiting game forthem to bring our food.
"So how you been", Max asked. I been okay, how about you?, I asked. "I been okay too, I've missed you a lot, and I've been reflecting on how I was such an asshole and I should of never treated you the way I did. We never really had fights or anything that's why I think I didn't know how to act, and my behavior showed it.", he said grabbing my hand. Its okay, Its in the past now lets just focus on the future, I said smiling. "Im glad we agree on that", he says and our waiter comes in with our plates. We talked and laughed as we ate out food and then it was that time of the night everyone loves DESSERT TIME !! I wanted to try something new some wild dessert. You know Im going to get the sfogliatella, since I have never tried it before, I say. "Mhm good choice, ima go simple and get the Bombolone", he said giving me a playfull look. We got our desserts fast and the music people started to play a song that sounded so familiar, I wanted to remember where I had heard the song but Max cuts my train of thought.
"Emory from the moment we meet back in College I knew I saw something special in you. I remember going crazy about you when you wouldn't want to be my girlfriend just because you didn't want to get distracted of your studies. That made me admire you so much more. Now with all the things we been through I see more clearly that I want you, I want you to be my wife", he kneels down and pops out a tiny box. "And thats why Im asking, Emory will you marry me?", he says as he opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring. Im in complete shock and my face said it too, I cant believe Max just asked me to be his wife, to marry him! OMG YESS!! I said finally being able to get a word out. YES YES YES!!! We both stand up, he puts the ring on my finger and we kiss. I hear people cheering and clapping, I for a second I forgot we were in a restaurant meaning lots of people witnessed the event. I felt my face turn red as hell. I smile at him and we sit back down to finish our dessert...
We head to the car and drive home, and we were like our old days. Me being a child trying to mess with him and his beautiful face when the lights were red. Lexi was right if its really meant to be then no matter how long I took to get my feeling in place, he would be waiting for me, because he really loves me..
We arrived at my house and I truly didn't want this night to end.
Thank you for tonight, it was amazing and I couldn't have asked for a better night than tonight. I love you so much, and I can't wait to be your wife, I say leaning in to give him a kiss. We kiss and uff I could of kept going but I was pretty tired. "Goodnight my love" Goodnight, I said as I get out the car. I wave to him and walk to the front door, I could hear his car moving and I go inside. The house was quiet, It was barely 10 but no one was down here. I quietly headed up stairs and knock on Lexi's door. Lexi are you awake? Open up I have something to tell u! I knock again but no answer. I guess ill have to wait till morning.. I went to my room and got cleaned up, to head into bed. I layed down and just thought of how perfect the night was and how nothing really could mess my happiness now...

Hope ya like the chapter, I'm gonna try to really update so I can finish the book soon👍
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