Chapter 6

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"Heres that special chapter hope ya like it, its going to be a long one just saying"


(Before the party)

After Emy ended the chat I started to get ready, I took a shower and got dressed I went with a all black style. I was immediately ready, so I watched some TV meanwhile. When I saw it was almost 6 I grabbed my keys and headed to the car to pick up Emy and Lexi...
I arrived at Emys and knocked, she quickly opens which was a 1st. She looked so beautiful, I thought to myself. Baby you ready, I said smiling. "Yea I'm ready let's go, she said locking the door and walking to the car as I followed. I drove to Lexis house and parked in front of her house, I was expecting Emy to go and get her but instead she moves my arm and honks. "Wat?", she said as I look at her. Nothing I said and looked away. After a while Lexi got on and we left to the party. The party was big i guess I couldn't find a parking spot, so I parked in someone's yard. We got out and headed to the house, Emy went to say hi to who I'm thinking its Mrs Gilinsky. So me and Lexi go get seats. I sit down and we wait for Emy to come, after a while she and Mrs Gilinsky come with the plates. She sits down and we all start eating...
(We finished eating..) "Hey ima go to the restroom ok brb", I told Emy and got up. I walked to the hallway and started to look for the restroom, after some good tries I found it, I did my business and got out. I headed back to the room when I get stopped in the kitchen by some guys, they looked my age. "Heyy dudde, want to take a drink with us, one of them said. Um sure, I said grabbing the drink and taking a sip. (I do drink but not when I'm around Emy mostly when I'm hanging out with her brother i drink, but I felt like I could have 1 or 2 it wouldn't hurt) "My name is Bob and I'm Thomas". Im Max, I said finishing the drink. "Here have another" they pored another and I drank it. We kept talking and they were my same age (20). They kept poring me more and I didnt stopped them. "Hey guys i think im good now thanks for the drinks, I was already starting to feel a little off ( by that meaning drunk as heck) so i tried to head to the party room. I walk in and see that Emy is gone and Lexi too, I look up at the dance floor and spot Emy dancing with another guy. That pissed me off, she looks at me making eye contact and I leave. I made my way to my car and drive home. I heard my phone ring but I ignored the call...
[You know wat happens her meanwhile]
I heard someone knocking on the door I didn't even border getting it until I hear the knock on my bedroom door. Wat do you want I said opening the door. It was Emy I was mad at her so I didnt really wanted to hear anything she said. Save it, I don't want to hear it, go away, I said cutting her off. I closed the door but she placed her foot to stop it from closing. "Wth why the f*** are u mad is it because I was dancing with another guy!!!" She said raising her voice. "Because were the f*** were u for almost 30 minutes",she said again almost yelling at me. I got even more mad and i didn't answer. "U know what I don't even want to know go f** your self" she said and walked away. That really made me madder and I grab her hand and pulled her back.
"LET GO !!!" She screamed. "LET GO !!!" , she screamed louder, and slapped me across the face. I let go and she starts to run, I chase her down and when she opens the door I catch her again I grabbed her from the waist so she couldn't slap me again.
"LET HER GO", the same guy she was dancing with yelled. WHAT ARE U YOU GOING TO DO HUH? I said back smirking. All of the sudden he punches me and I lose grip of Emy. She leaves but I was now mad at this dude. I start punching him and he throws punches back. I trow a punch that throws him down to the floor but then gets up and punches me. You son of a b** I said and punched him. Another guy comes in, blond guy, (guessing his friend) and stops us I wanted to keep punching that mother f**ker. But he stopped when the other guy came in. "Tf man your fucken drunk as fuck." The dark haired said. And... That's not ur fucken problem, who gave u permission to dance with my girl huh? I said yelling "Ohh I'm sorry I didnt know I had to ask you for permission, he said yelling. "STOP BOTH OF YOU" Emy said walking to were we where and stood next to that other guy."I told u to stay in the car girl, the stupid guy said. "Go with Johnson, I'll take it from here", Emy said to the guy ."No I'm not leaving u with this f**king guy" he said. "Jack please I won't be alone lexis here please", she said to the guy and the guys leave. "SO WAT THE HELL MAN", Lexi yelled at me. I was more calmed, but I felt mad still. "WHERE WERE YOU IN THE PARTY HUH"? Lexi said again. "GOD" she said and sat down at the sofa. "Wat the hell happened Max, you never act like this, from this 2 years that we been together u never acted up", Emy said looking at me confused. I didnt want to talk about it so I just looked at the ground. "SAY SOMETHING FOR GODS SAKE", she yelled. WAT DO U WANT ME TO SAY I GOT TIRED AND SEEING U WITH THAT GUY JUST MADE ME FEEL JEALOUS OK EVERY F*KING GUY GETS JEALOUS AT ONE POINT SO STOP GIVING ME CRAP ABOUT IT, I said yelling at her back. "FINE THEN BUT WHERE THE FUCK WERE U FOR MORE THAN 30 MINUTES, IF THEIRS ONLY 1 MOTHER F**ING RESTROOM HUH "? She said yelling back louder. WHY DO U CARE HUH U CLEARLY FOUND ANOTHER GUY TO REPLACE ME, i said yelling back. At that moment she slaps me, "Let's go Lexi", she said. Lexi gets up and also slaps me, "DONT DARE EVER RAISE UR VOICE AGAIN TO HER, MOTHER F**CKER" Lexi said and grabbed Emy and walked out of the house...
I stayed there just not doing nothing for several minutes. I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water I go upstairs and lay on my bed and pass out. "Man, wake up", I hear someone say. Oh its you Ray (Emys brother). "Yea what happened u smell like alcohol and ull all beat up" he said. Ugh ik, I started to remember wat happended and remember wat stupidity I did. "Wats wrong man", Ray said confused. Omg I think I could of just broke my 2 year relationship with Emy, just because of drinking in that stupid party. "Man you know u turn violent when u drink that's why u said u were never drinking when she was around" he said. F**k I really messed up..

"I told ya it was special bc now u know wat happend in Max's POV and were he was and everything hope u liked it and didnt bored u lol thanks for reading". I'll update tomorrow.

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