Chapter 23

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Authors note pls read
Yes I changed the name of the story (sorry not sorry) and I been making a bit of a update to the story I'm adding now pictures and hopefully its more fun like that (if your curious enough go check the previous chapters)
I would love for ya to comment and interact ❤
Too long I'm sorry back to the story...


I walked in the mall and started to find the perfect family dress, not too short not too long not too v-cut not too tight not too exposing. Basically just impossible I looked for hours trying to find one, all of then were too short and exposing. I wanted to go home but there was 1 more store I hadn't checked. I went in a looked around until I found a good dress, I was tired so I didnt really see why it wouldn't be a good dress. (up top) I paid and went home..
I got home heard nothing. I wondered if everyone left, I thought to myself. I went to the kitchen and living room and no one was there. I walked up to the second floor and still heard nothing. Hmm guess its just me today. I went to my room and locked myself after wat happens last night I'm taking extra precaution. I got my luggage ready and found the tickets for Thursday, I was ready. It was Tuesday so I had some time to do what ever I wanted before going to my parents. I wanted to hang out but Lexi wasn't here and G nor J were here so I had no one.
So I got comfy in bed plugged in my headphones to my phone and played my favorite playlist..


(A bit earlier) (still at the house)

After Emory left soon after Lexi and Johnson left. Like always I'm alone. I heard my phone vibrate I got up and got it from the sofa. It was Isabella The girl I meet in the party we had..
Also is who I had that date with, when I canceled on Em and the others..

Isabella: Heyy Jack
Me: Hey
Isabella: What are you up to today?
Me: Nun much, hbu?
Isabella: Same, I'm bored as hell do you want to maybe go do something together again?
Me: Um sure, what do you want to do?
Isabella: What about the movies?
Me: Sure, do you got a movie in mind?
Isabella: Nope but that's no problem we can pick one over there..
Me: okay then, pick u up?
Isabella: Sure 3578 kinlys st
Me: k see you in a few

I grabbed my car keys and headed off. I like looked up the address and found it that it wasn't that far. I started to drive and soon after I was at her house. I got off the car and knocked on her door and waited.
"Hey you came fast" she said opening the door. Well it was close, I said trying to not be awkward. I still remember that she kissed me the first time we met and I feel awkward since.
"Well then let's go", she said walking towards the car.
I walked up to the car opening her door and she giving me a smile before getting in. We drove in silence which made me more nervous..
"So what type or movies do you like?" She said breaking the silence. Um I don't have any preference. "Ohh that what I like", she said elbowing me and giving me a flirty smile. I felt like she wanted to be more than friends but that's just maybe her personality cuz I still don't know her that well. Haha I said trying my best at not making it awkward. I'm not usually an awkward person just idk with her I'm really self conscious..
Thank goodness we arrived at the movies I got out and so did she we paid the tickets and got in a 'romantic' movie she wanted to see, I knew I wasn't going to like it but I had to be nice and let her pick. We walked in and see a lot of couples I'm guessing. We sat down and enjoyed the movie...

Hours later..

We finally got out of that movie I was getting sleepy. We headed to her house. When we got there I parked and looked at her. "Well it was a lovely movie don't you think", she said looking back. Yeah it was nice. "Well let's see when we hang out again", she said. Yeah just let me know, I said smiling. "Okay then I'll see you later", she said and leaned in. I saw that she was leaning in slowly. I didnt want to kiss her, its too soon plus we are just friends. I try to see what to do and I open my door a bit to make the beeping noise and I move. I think she got the hint because she moved back to her seat and then just smiled and got off..
I started to drive back to the house. I got home and saw Lexi and Johnson in that sofa just chilling. "Heyy G", Johnson yelled. Hey guys, what are ya doing, I said sitting on the other sofa. "Nun much just watching TV, where were you at?", Johnson said giving me a look. I was just with Isabella. "With who??" Lexi said out of no where. Its a girl I meet in the party last week. "Ohhh that's cool" lexi said. "So ya dating yet", Johnson said giving me a smile. No Johnson, we're not dating. "Yet" he said smirking. Johnson really. "Yeah cmon man you need to start dating", he said. She was a nice girl I wouldn't mind dating her she seemed pretty cool. I needed to forget Em and start dating, since she's dating Max and Johnson has Lexi so maybe its time for me to start dating again..

Well that wasn't a good chapter I fell it was awkward even for me to write G's part tonight it felt weird idk why
Maybes just me but idk
Let me know what ya think of this chapter
Comment pls
I need feedback

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