Chapter One

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"What is your name?" I questioned the man hovering above my nude body. "Farlan," he introduced himself, kissing my neck once again. We had just finished the sinful deed of intercourse, and I was still owed payment.

"Farlan, I believe you owe me something," I stated, pulling away from him. He looked at me through slitted eyes, as if I had just spoiled his fun. He rolled over to the edge of the mattress. Picking up an envelope, tied with a black ribbon, he placed it on my chest. I grabbed the envelope, and peeked inside to see my payment.

The bed creaked as I stood to gather my scattered clothing. "Where are you going?" Farlan questioned. "Your time is up," I said, beginning to dress. He opened his mouth to protest, but rolled over instead. Pocketing the money, I left without another word.

It was a dark night, not even the moon made an appearance. I hated walking in the dark. No one else wandered the streets, which didn't surprise me. An ominous figure had currently been slaughtering women in brutal ways. He called himself Jack the Ripper. He was frightening everyone, including myself.

My heart raced when the clomping of horses' hooves echoed down the road. I paused in my steps as the shadows of a carriage appeared in front of me. Hurrying out of the way, I watched as the carriage approached.

But instead of continuing down the road, it stopped. I contemplated running, but my mind didn't process the thought fast enough. The carriage door popped open, and a tall man with blond hair stepped out.

Was this the end of my life?

"Levi Ackerman?"

How does he know my name?

"Who's asking?" I questioned. "My apologies, I am Erwin Smith. I'm a part of England's Detective Agency, may I ask you a few questions?" he explained. I hesitated, not wanting to trust him.

"Do you have any identification?" I inquired. He chuckled, which sent cold chills down my spine. "You're cautious, good," he stated.

Erwin began searching through his jacket. He pulled out an identification card and badge, handing them to me. I looked over the information, telling me unnecessary facts about him, but had his photograph and the superintendent's signature. I gave him back the items. "What do you need from me?" I asked. "Please, let us speak in my carriage, we can't have anyone else hearing this conversation," he explained.

Hesitation set in the pit of my stomach. But I obliged. He allowed me access into the carriage before climbing in himself. Sitting on the plush seats was a woman. She had brown hair pinned back in a bun, chocolate eyes, magnified by glasses, and an annoyingly cheeky smile lighting her features.

"This is my partner," Erwin said as he sat beside her. "Hanji," she extended her arm out to me. I didn't give her my hand, and she returned her arm to her side.

"How do you know my name?" I questioned. Erwin chuckled as the carriage started down the road. "We're detectives, we've heard of you," he answered. My stomach flipped uncomfortably.

"We've been keeping a close eye on you," Hanji exclaimed her eyes smiling along with her lips. My eyes bulged at her statement, and I contemplated the thought of jumping out the moving carriage. "Hanji," Erwin said sternly. She apologised before sitting back.

"We're here to ask you a favor," Erwin explained. This peeked my interest. "What's the favor?" I asked. "Have you ever heard of the Peaky Blinders?" Erwin inquired. "Who hasn't heard of them?" I replied.

"Eren Jaeger is the founder of the gang, and he is extremely difficult to capture, we need your help with that," Hanji explained with extreme ebullience. "What makes you think I can do anything?" I asked. "He has a certain interest in men. You're job is to join the gang and find his weaknesses," Erwin replied. My brows arched at the response. An affair with England's most dangerous man sounded like a death wish.

"We're willing to pay," Hanji explained. "How much?" I replied a little too quickly. They both simultaneously smiled, setting off an eerie vibe. "100,000 pounds," Erwin said. My eyes widened to an enormous size.

"What will I have to do to join the gang?" I questioned, leaning forward in my seat eagerly. "We've pinpointed their location to an abandoned warehouse. You'll go there in the proper attire and, to our knowledge, will have to fight with one of their strongest members," they explained. Seemed easy, I can defend myself pretty well. I've claimed victory from knife fights.

"Anything else?" I questioned. "Well there is a rumor, they sew razor blades into their caps," Hanji explained. Interesting tactic, this Eren seems intelligent. "Sounds like a challenge, I'll do it," I said. A ear piercing screech erupted from the brunette. She pulled me into a tight embrace. I struggled in her hold, breaking free a few seconds later.

"We'll give you the location tomorrow," Hanji explained. "We also require weekly progress reports at the office," Erwin added. I nodded, finding the request reasonable. Hanji cheered.

"You'll be staying with us until tomorrow," Erwin said. I nodded, the feeling of safety overwhelming me.

This job was going to be entertaining.

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