Chapter Three

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I slumped out of my room, my eyes drooping, and my shoulders sagging. Cleaning my room had taken all night, and I still hadn't finished. But the growling of my stomach forced me to leave unfinished.

There was an eruption of voices the farther I was from my room. I followed the noise to a large area filled with tables and the smell of food. My feet carried me to the soft aroma of a promising meal, and led me to a stale loaf of bread.

I clicked my tongue in dissatisfaction. But I grabbed a serving of breakfast anyways, my stomach protesting to be fed.

Without paying much attention, I sat down at a table to begin devouring my food.

"Looks like you didn't get much sleep," a voice chuckled.

I looked up to see Marco smiling at me. He sat by a male with dirty blond hair. "I didn't," I replied. "What kept you up?" he questioned. "Cleaning," I said. Marco laughed again, taking the dirty blond's hand in his. Curiosity crossed my mind, my eyebrows furrowing together as I chewed. "Who's this?" I asked. "My boyfriend, Jean," he smiled, rubbing the blond's hand with his thumb. I nodded smiling, and continued eating.

"You're fight with Reiner was interesting," Jean said, grabbing my attention. "I'll have to admit, I doubted you, but you've proved me, and most of us, wrong," he added. I scowled, knowing everyone underestimated me, but I said my thanks.

My meal had an odd after taste, but filled my stomach. I stared at the leftover bread in front of me, wanting to finish it.

The sound of someone sitting beside me rang in my ears. I looked up to see the brunette bastard smiling at me.

"You look tired," he remarked. I glared at him with sagging eyelids. "Is there something I can help you with?" I asked. He smirked deviously, as if he had been waiting for me to ask that question.

"Hello Eren," Marco said smiling. The brunette turned to him smiling, before bringing his gaze back to me. "I'm actually here to give you your flat cap," he said innocently. I stared at him, knowing he didn't bring the cap. "Then give it to me," I demanded, reaching my hand out. He pretended to search in his pockets, before sighing and turning to me again. "I must have forgotten to grab it," he propped his elbow on the table, and leaned against it. "You should come with me and pick one out," he explained smirking.

Marco and Jean stared at us with knowing looks. I ignored their gazes, paying attention to the brunette bastard in front of me. "Can't you go by yourself?" I questioned, adding a tiny sarcastic whimper to mock him. He snickered.

His hand disappeared from the tabletop, and wrapped around my thigh. I stifled a fake gasp through my nose. He leaned in close to my ear. "It'd be far more entertaining with you," he whispered. A small smirk tugged at my lips. I enjoyed his fast paced game, the quicker things would go, the sooner I would be paid.

He squeezed my clothed flesh before leaning back, his hand remaining on my thigh.

I rolled my eyes before picking up the rest of my bread. "Fine if you're going to be persistent," I sighed, trying to hide a smirk.


Eren walked in beside me, hands in his pockets, and an obvious smile plastered on his face. I strolled alongside him, staring at the floorboards.

My mind was rummaging through ways to talk to him, to lie to him. I need something to tell Hanji and Erwin for the update next week.

"What kept you up last night?" Eren sliced through my thoughts. I looked to his smiling features. "Is it that obvious?" I questioned. He chuckled, pointing to his eye. "You're carrying bags under your eyes, Levi," he explained. My hand flew up to my eyes, as if I could feel if a darker color was there. "You shouldn't stay up too late, Levi," he added. Eren leaned in close to my ear. "Maybe next time, I can help you fall asleep," he whispered.

He straightened his stature as I looked up at him and gave him a wide eyed gaze. The brunette bastard chuckled. "So, what kept you up? Your thoughts of me?" he added the last statement teasingly. "In your dreams," I mumbled. Eren looked at me as if he couldn't believe I just uttered those words. I looked back to him and shrugged.

His hearty laugh filled the hall. "Don't lie to yourself, Levi," he gave me a half smirk as his perfectly messy hair fell over his eyes. The green eye he possessed winked, before he turned his gaze back to the hall.

"Here it is," he said, gesturing to a door. The door was nothing special, the same as the others, a wooden frame with an oak door and brass knob. I reached out to turn it, and swung the door open.

The entire room was cluttered with boxes, some opened and some sealed shut. Hats peeked out from the opened ones, stacked with no neatness. "Welcome to the room of hats," Eren said as he stepped through the entrance. I followed behind him, watching the dust practically fly whenever I moved.

"Pick any hat you want," he told me, leaning against the wall. I looked to the boxes to view the caps. "Is there any difference?" I questioned as I picked one up. "No, but I never let anyone choose, and I decided I would be lenient," he explained. "How generous," I muttered.

I looked at the box of choices, not noticing any differences in the caps. Unlike the room, the caps were kept in pretty well condition. Grabbing the first cap in the pile, I studied the design. Only a simple black pattern, but sewn under the visor was a pair of razor blades. Just as Erwin and Hanji said. I bounced the object in my hand, as if testing its weight, and turned back to Eren. He looked to the flat cap in my hands. "Good choice," he smirked.

With a roll of my eyes, I began walking back to the entrance. But I stopped dead in my tracks as I watched him close the door with the flick of his ankle. I gawked at him, my grip tightening on the cap out of frustration.

Eren began approaching me with immense speed. I began backing up at the same speed until my back slammed against a wall. Eren's hand slammed on the wall beside my head, and I flinched from the smack it created. His face was extremely close to mine. Both of his eyes stared at me hungrily like a predator about to feast. His pupils wandered up and down my clothed form, slightly licking his lips.

"Like what you see?" I asked snidely. His gaze shot back to mine. His half smile formed as he processed my words. "Indeed," he replied. His lips moved closer to mine, and I forced my breathing to hitch for a believable performance. Our lips lightly brushed before Eren decided against it, and pressed his cheek against mine.

"I will make you mine, Levi, no matter what it takes," he whispered hotly. Eren straightened up, looking at me one last time, before walking back to the closed door. Turning the knob, he exited the room.


It took a while, but I finally finished cleaning my chambers. Behind the stack of boxes was a window, a few boards placed at the top, but the bottom of it easily accessible. I looked out the handprint smudged glass to notice a fire escape. Smiling to myself, I made a mental not to myself of its existence. It would be the perfect way to leave and visit Hanji and Erwin.

My door opened without an announcing knock or protest. I swung my gaze to the intruder, expecting the brunette bastard, but was met with the gaze of Marco. He searched around the room with an astounded look. "Nice cleanup," he stated. I ignored his compliment and asked him what he was doing.

"Dinner is ready," he explained. I nodded, "I'll be down in a second."

"Eren wants to see you," the raven continued. I held back a chuckle. Brunette bastard. Looking to Marco, I gestured for him to leave. "I'll be down in a second," I repeated. He nodded before leaving.

I stared at the window smirking. My bed creaked as I stood to exit my room.

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