Chapter Five

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Eren looked utterly disappointed and saddened by the fact he had lost. He turned to me and extended his hand out to me. "Congratulations," he sighed. I looked to him pursing my lips. He gave me a painfully saddened half smile. I cocked my head before smirking slightly.

"I have a new deal," I said as people began clearing out of the stadium. He shoved his hands into his pockets, nodding for me to continue. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, and you will accompany me on a leisure stroll in the park, and then I'll allow you to escort me to my room. And perhaps, I'll consider another private session with you," I explained. A smirk replaced Eren's disappointment. "You sound desperate," he replied jokingly. A scowl etched into my face, my lips twitching with annoyance. "I suggest you take my offer," I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm definitely taking your offer," Eren replied. "Good," I replied, letting my expression relax. He gestured to the building's doorway to exit the stadium. "Shall we?"


Eren and I walked through the park, snacking on Jumbles -which he had bought at a nearby bakery. The cookie was dusted in powder that smeared onto my fingers and mouth. I audibly expressed my dissatisfaction of the mess I had made.

"Do you not like it?" Eren questioned, his treat muffling his voice. I shook my head, "I like the flavor, not the mess."

I took the last bite of my Jumble, and showed him my dusted hands. He chuckled. "I guess you're not very fond of messes," he smiled. I shook my head again.

A fountain came into view, and I practically bounded towards it. Dipping my hands into the cold water, the powder washed away.

My hands turned a bright red from the freezing temperature of the water. I began vigorously shaking my wrists trying to escaping the cold encasement.

Eren took my palms, enveloping them in his own, and releasing his hot breath onto my fingertips. It warmed my cold hands and making me smile slightly. He let go of me. "Thank you," I said tucking my hands into my pockets.

We continued walking along the sidewalk to a sturdy bridge. I leaned against the railing, staring at the glistening water below. Eren did the same, but gazed at me instead.

"You're staring," I pointed out. "I'm aware, is there a problem?" he questioned. I looked to him. His gold and green eyes were shining as his pupils dilated to an unspeakable size. "You're extremely obvious, Eren Jaeger," I replied. "How so?" he asked with a smirk. Rolling my eyes at his comment, and I opened my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the sound of a woman's giggle.

Eren and I directed our attention to two women staring and giggling flirtatiously. I clicked my tongue not exactly enjoying the presence of two young women. But Eren tipped his cap to the ladies. "Good evening," he stated politely with a dashing smile. The ladies giggled again stopping in front of us and eyeing Eren. "Good evening," they smiled.

I turned my gaze back to the water below as they talked. Eren seemed to be flirting back. Hanji and Erwin didn't mention a situation such as this, and I had no idea how to get out of it.

"Perhaps we could meet again," one lady suggested. "How about tomorrow at the West Pub?" Eren responded. Both girls giggled obnoxiously before responding with a yes. They said their farewells, and I heard the click of their shoes fade away.

"You have an interest in women?" I inquired continuing to stare at the dark water. "Not at all," Eren replied. I turned to him, eyebrows knitting together. "Do I sense jealousy?" Eren smirked. "No," I answered quickly. He chuckled and looked to the water. His shoulder bumped into mine. "Sure," he said.


We walked down the hall to my bedroom. Eren was a small distance from me. His fingers were clenched into a tight fist, and his jaw was set.

"You seem tense, Eren. Is something wrong?" I questioned. He sighed as if he had been holding his breath. "I promised if I lost, I would restrain myself," he replied, giving me an attempt of a smile. "What would happen if you didn't restrain yourself?" I asked. His jaw clenched and he stared ahead. "We'd be fucking and walking," he answered.

My eyes widened at his reply. "At least you're honest," I shrugged. He chuckled, "That's your response?"

I nodded.

The rest of our walk was in complete silence. Until we neared my bedroom door. "You know," I started as if an idea had just popped into my head, "I could allow a small risk, I am up for some fun."

Eren grabbed me without delay. My back was forcefully pushed against the wall creating a loud thud, and I groaned from the impact. But Eren didn't hesitate to crash our lips together feeding me his tongue. I clasped my arms around his neck, deepening the ecstasy and lust.

With a firm yank, Eren opened my bedroom door, and he pushed me in without our contact breaking. His fingers tangled in my hair and bringing my lips closer to his. Yet again, my back was slammed into the wall.

I wrapped my legs around his waist. He removed his lips from mine and moved down to my neck, and he sucked on the exposed skin.
His hips rolled against mine, and a gasp spilled from my lips.

I carefully pealed open my eyes to see myself in a mirror on the other wall. My reflection smirked.

This job is too easy.

Eren's kisses became faint, and he soon pulled away. We stared at each other for a moment both of us out of breath. He gave me a small smile as he cocked his head. "Perhaps we could continue this some other time," Eren suggested. My feet returned to the floor. We gazed at each other. Silence falling between us.

"Perhaps I'll allow it," I said. Eren leaned in for one last quick peck on the lips. He strolled to the door before turning around and saying, "Goodnight, Levi."

"Goodnight, Eren."

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