Chapter Twelve

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The next morning, I woke up in dire need of sex.

And Eren knew all too well, but he ignored my pleads. But I had a plan. There was one small perk of my small stature... ass was levelled with Eren's crotch.

Throughout the morning I'd "accidentally" back up into Eren, brush my ass against his crotch, mutter an apology, and walk away. Eren at first ignored my attempts, but after a while, he gained a hunger in his eyes.

As everyone was eating lunch, Eren dragged me off to his chambers. He could barely wait to enter the room before crashing our lips together and trying to remove my shirt.

My back was slammed against the closed door as Eren tried to turn the knob. After successfully opening the door, he pushed me into the room without breaking our kiss and kicking the door closed.

We shed our clothes and my bare back hit the wall beside the closed door. My legs were hauled up over his shoulders and my arms pinned against the wall.

There was a few more minutes of our kiss unfaltering, but I started getting anxious and grounded my hips against Eren's crotch. He took my hint, and parted are lips to suck on his fingers.

I watched awkwardly for a few seconds as he did so, before I decided to kiss his cheeks and neck.

Once his digits were coated in a sufficient amount of saliva, he removed his fingers with a loud pop. He adjusted my position for better access and began circling my ring with one digit. I ground my hips to receive deeper contact, but he retracted his finger.

"Keep your hips still, you're going to have to be patient," he purred. I groaned. "I'm not exactly the patient type."

"If you want my cock you'll have to be," he whispered. I moaned and nodded, so we could continue as quickly as possible. He made me wait a few agonising seconds before finally driving a digit into my entrance. I groaned as my ring clenched around his finger.

He returned his lips to mine as he pumped his finger. Not long after he added a second digit, and I moaned from the immense stretch. They curled inside me and thrusted in deeper.

Eren found the spot again.

I moaned in the kiss, creating a vibration against our lips. My fingers dug into Eren's locks.

The final digit entered me. He twisted them inside me, which created an enticing sensation. With a few more thrusts, Eren removed his fingers and parted our lips.

I wiggled my hips in anticipation as he aligned his member. The head protruded my entrance, and I sighed in contentment. He began pushing his member into me. The slow pace drove me insane. I slammed my hips down until his full member pulsed inside me. I moaned. "Eren."

He began sliding out just to slam back into me. "Mhm...feels good," I mumbled. Eren trailed his lips down my neck as he rolled his hips. My skin burned under his touch.

His grip tightened on my hips as he pulsed inside me. Eren licked up my chest before crashing our mouths together, my moans vibrating our lips.

Eren found my prostate, and I moaned contently. He gained access to my mouth, from my cry of pleasure, and slipped his tongue in. He continued to thrust into my bundle of nerves, causing a tingling sensation to crawl up my back.

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