Chapter Eleven

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"Hey Levi!" Armin waved as I walked out of my chambers. "Hi," I said confused. He bounded towards me and latched onto my arm.

"Eren's gone, and he ordered I take care of you," he explained. I rolled my eyes. "Did something happen between you two? Eren seemed...angry," he asked. "It was some stupid shit over that damn letter," I answered. Armin sighed and pursed his lips. But within seconds, his smile returned, and he began dragging me down the hall.

"Well, since Eren's not here, we're going to have some fun," Armin cheered. His tone worried me. "What fun, exactly?" I inquired. He didn't answer me, but dragged me down to find everyone in the cafeteria.

"Levi!" they cheered holding up glasses of shots and bottles of vodka. I said an awkward 'hello' before turning to Armin. "You want me to get drunk?" I questioned.

"Oh no, not just drunk, you're getting high as well."

Before I could protest, he dragged me over to the occupied table. Jean and Marco sat across from Armin and I, their cheeks rosy and wearing bright smiles. Connie looked higher than the clouds lounging back on the tabletop.

Reiner and Bertholdt sat at the table as well, but seemed to not want to be present. And Reiner stared at me as if he wanted to slit my throat. I wonder, does he still hate me for stabbing him for the initiation?

I ignored his stare, and turned to the people I trusted more.

Armin was already pouring me a glass of vodka.

Perhaps I don't exactly trust them.

"Is this your first time drinking?" Armin questioned. I've definitely had beer before, but not a heavy liquor like vodka. "I've been tipsy a couple of times," I shrugged.

"Well now it's your chance to get drunk," he said handing me a glass. I took it uncertainly. "Bottoms up."

I slowly let the drink pass my thin lips. The liquor quickly slipped down my throat, and gave me an almost immediate buzz.

A couple more drinks, and I couldn't stop laughing about absolutely nothing. My head was against the table, because apparently I had become to lazy to lift it any higher.

"I think it's time to add some marijuana to the mix," Armin cheered. He handled me a lit stick of the drug. I took it a bit too eagerly, and took a long drag of the substance. I usually hated the smell of smoke, but in my current state of mind I didn't give a shit.

After a while of inhaling the fumes, my eyes began playing tricks on me. My focus went blurry at times, only to go crisp again. I squinted trying to control the effects, but nothing worked.

When my vision was completely back to normal, I sighed in relief. But then colors radiated off the others like an outline. A yellow hue flickered around Armin as Jean's was a soft black. Marco radiated a white color which made him look like an angel, and Connie was outlined with a soothing orange. I stared in awe at my acquaintances.

But my eyes wandered to Bertholdt and Reiner, and I stared in horror. Their colors were bright red that screamed danger. My relaxed mood disappeared; replaced by fear.

I quickly turned back to the companions I definitely did trust far more than Reiner or Bertholdt. I didn't want to bring my gaze back to them again tonight.

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