Chapter Fifteen

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Eren's POV

I could barely sleep. I watched Levi rest that night. Every breath he took made his body dig into my skin. His heart pounded under my fingertips.

The thought that one day I may wake without him terrified me.

Pressing a quick kiss to his forehead, I climbed out of bed. All I had to do was slip on a shirt and my flat cap, and I left my quarters quietly.

Everyone was waiting for me in the cafeteria. Guns and knives were lined up neatly on the tables. Armin was in the middle of loading a gun when I approached him. It shut with a loud snap as he looked up at me.

"Is Levi awake?" he questioned. He set the gun down by the others. "No," I answered. I sat beside him to begin loading a rifle.

"I want someone stationed outside our room....just in case," I explained. Armin grabbed a pistol and let the barrel spin. "I can wait outside the bedroom door, if you want," he suggested. I shook my head. "You're staying out here, I need your aim. I'll have Marco or Jean protect Levi," I replied. Armin nodded.

I set the rifle down once I was finished. "But I need you to promise...if anything happens to me, take Levi and Mikasa far away from here," I demanded. Armin looked at me as if he wanted to disagree with my request, but he decided against it. "Alright," he agreed.

Marco and Jean approached us with loaded rifles. "I want one of you outside of my bedroom to make sure Levi is safe, and take Mikasa with you," I explained. "I'll make sure they're safe," Marco replied. "Thank you," I said.

Everyone began gathering in the cafeteria, Levi and Mikasa excluded. Connie handed me a stash of money for Billy when he arrives.

I stood as everyone crowded in front of me. We handed around guns and knives until everyone was armed. Once all weapons were passed around, I gave everybody their positions. Armin, Sasha, and Connie were positioned at the second-floor windows. Ymir, Krista, and Isabel were placed by the first-floor windows. I told Reiner and Bertholdt to guard the front door from the inside. Annie and Rico were stationed at the back entrance. Marco was situated in the hall where Levi still slept. Jack and Jean stayed with me to confront Billy Kimber.

"Stay hidden until you hear a gunshot, then begin firing," I explained. I was replied with a chorus of agreement. I dismissed everyone to their assigned locations.

I turned to Jean and Jack. "Ready?" I asked with a sigh. They nodded. We made our way outside to wait for the inevitable.

Minutes, that seemed like hours, passed of me pacing around uncertainly, until Billy appeared. Many people paraded behind him with weapons glistening in their hands. And Billy was smirking in front of me.

"Today is the due date, Eren. Do you have my money?" he questioned. I set my jaw before digging through my pockets. Pulling out the money, I handed it to him. He took it greedily and shuffled through the stack.

He looked back to me and scanned my composed features. Billy shoved the money into his pocket.

Perhaps he would leave without a battle commencing.

"I see your precious fucker isn't with you, why is that, Eren Jaeger?" he inquired smugly. I didn't reply, only clenched my fists by my side. "Did I strike a nerve?" he spoke as if he were having a conversation with a toddler. I did nothing but grind my teeth to hold back my anger. He stared at me for awhile, silence enveloping us.

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