Chapter Nineteen

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Eren's POV

The carriage halted in front of the address's location as the storm was at its peak. We climbed out with loaded guns to be drenched in water as thunder rolled above.

"If anyone finds Levi, let me know," I demanded. They nodded in response. I lead them to the entrance, kicking the door down without trying the knob.

We were met with a maze of halls. There was little light illuminating the precinct. The occasional lightning streaked against the walls through the windows to add brightness to the foyer. And absolutely no one in sight.

I turned to my friends to assign them areas of the building to search. With a warning to stay alert, we split up.

The trek through the halls was silent besides the rumbling thunder outside. The rooms I came across were unoccupied, but I searched every corner of every expanse as I continuously whispered Levi's name. No other noise broke the silence as I moved from room to room.

As each second passed, I became more desperate as the numbers of unsearched capacities dwindled. My examinations became quick and loud as I left no object unturned in my wake.

My panic grew when there were only two rooms left. No hints were given to me from a distance. But as I neared the last two unopened doors, I noticed a brighter flicker of light behind the closed entrance.

Levi, please be safe.

I wrapped my hand around the brass knob, only to discover it wouldn't budge. With a scowl, I slammed my body against the locked door, until it broke on the third try. My pistol was loaded in my hand, and I held it out for any enemy to see I was armed. But only one other person occupied the room. Levi.

His head was hung low, and his hands were pulled uncomfortably behind his back. The dim light showed blood dropping like tears from his cheeks and mouth, bruises riddling his skin, and his trousers and boxers were at his ankles. I stared in horror. What had they done to him?

"Levi," my voice broke as I walked to him, pocketing my pistol. He responded with a small grumble, keeping his head still. With all the tenderness I possessed, I cradled his chin in my hand, and raised his head so he could see me properly. His cheekbones were a dark purple with deep cuts splitting his skin. I was mortified.

Whoever did this would pay.

"Eren," he mumbled in disbelief. Anger pricked my skin when I heard his weak voice, and tears threatened to spill. "You're going to be alright, Levi. Marco, Armin, and Jean are here. We're going to get you out of this mess," I assured. He stared at me blankly before shaking his head weakly. "You need to leave me behind and go," he stated.

My brows knitted together in confusion, before shaking my head and passing his last comment off as gibberish. I removed my switchblade from my pocket to work at the ropes binding Levi's wrists together. "You're safe now, Levi," I said as his bruised hands were freed.

"I'm here so they can kill you, Eren. Leave me behind and go," he said. "I'm not leaving without you, Levi," I replied. I kneeled in front of his slumped form, and gently helped him stand. He only fell into my embrace. While he was leaned against me, I pulled his clothing up to cover his exposed member.

"They're going to kill you, Eren. I don't want you to die," he explained. "No one is going to kill me," I said. "They know where the warehouse is, they're going to kill everyone there," he replied. "I already sent everyone to a different location, no one is going to die," I promised. I looked at his tear filled eyes. "It's my fault, Eren. Please leave me here," he stated. "You are not at fault, you did nothing wrong," I said.

I wrapped an arm around him, holding him closely, so he could steady himself. "No, Eren."

Tears mixed in with his blood, waterfalls of the concoction dripping down his cheeks. "Everything is my fault. I'm not who you think I am. I've lied to you from the beginning, and I hate myself for it," he sobbed meekly. I still couldn't understand what he was saying, but I shook my head in response. I gently brushed his oncoming tears away. "It's alright, Levi," I assured.

"No, no it's not. I don't deserve you, Eren."

The door bursted open, and I pulled out my gun in one swift movement. I pointed it to the intruder, and I was met with a stranger's gaze. He aimed a pistol at me as well. The man had blond hair and crisp blue eyes. He possessed broad shoulders and towered over Levi and I.

"Glad you could make it; I see you've found your whore," he said. I looked to Levi who wore wide eyes, and he shook in my embrace. I looked back to the stranger. "Who the hell are you?" I snarled.

"Sorry, forgot to introduce myself, I'm Erwin," he stated proudly. "Erwin, why do you have my Levi?" I questioned. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I gave Levi enough time to explain. I guess I'll have to tell you everything," he explained. My eyebrows knitted together.

"Eren, I-"

"Levi works for me. I hired him to help me kill you," Erwin said, interrupting Levi. My brows arched. "I'm sure Levi hasn't told you he's a prostitute either. You've been his most recent client."

I cocked the pistol, letting the click of the firing pin surround us. The sound did nothing to calm my nerves. "Why should I trust you?" I questioned. Erwin smirked deviously. "You don't have to take my word from it, take his."

My eyes switched to Levi's tear-swollen eyes. He shook against my hold as he met my gaze.

"I'm sorry, Eren," he muttered with tears streaming down his cheeks. My skin boiled in anger as he made that statement. "So it's true?" I asked sternly. He buried his nose into my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"That doesn't answer my goddamn question," I growled. Levi's breathing hitched against my chest. He didn't bring his eyes to me, but he shivered more violently against me.

"It's true," he whispered with a high pitched sob. My jaw set, and my hand gripped onto his shoulder angrily, surely leaving a bruise. "Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned. "I wanted to so many times, but I didn't know how you'd react," he whimpered.

"I don't like excuses, Levi," I explained austerely.

I swung my gaze back to Erwin as Levi's grip tightened on my shirt. "Anything else?" I questioned.

"I believe we've run out of time, Eren Jaegar. England wants you dead, and I'm going to grant that wish. Plus Levi is owed his pay," Erwin replied. Levi's eyes met the blond's. "I said I no longer want the money," he stated.

"Fine," Erwin shrugged, "but I'm excited to see your expression once I kill this bastard."

"No!" Levi cried.


My eyes closed to wait for the pain to overcome me. But I felt nothing. My eyelids peeled open to see Erwin's body sprawled out on the ground with blood oozing from his head. I looked up to see Armin with his rifle by his side, and he wore a triumphant smile. "You're both safe," he sighed in relief.

I released my hold on Levi, and I felt him falter as my embrace left him. "Take Levi to the carriage," I demanded as I watched the river of Erwin's blood. Through my peripheral vision, I saw Armin stare at me oddly. But he didn't question my order, and walked over to lead Levi away.

I kneeled beside the blond's cold body to pick up the pistol from his motionless hand. I looked to the canister to see one bullet left. I pocketed the pistol, invade of any other unwanted strangers.

"Thanks," I said to the dead body. I wasn't sure why I was stating my gratitude, either for the gun or the truth. But one thing for certain...

I should never have trusted Levi.

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