Snake's Pit

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1870 Birmingham, England. Levi is distraught from the occurrences in Mare's Nest. But he quickly conjures up a plan to find Eren; landing him in Coney Island, New York.

Meanwhile, the threat of a deadly gang, The Mohocks, forces the members of The Peaky Blinders to always watch their back while Eren is away.


So, I wanted to take a break from writing
- a week's worth at the most -
but that didn't exactly work out.
I have a writing addiction.
But this means the first chapter of Snake's Pit
is complete and is available to read.
The picture above is the cover you're looking for.
Just go to my page, and you'll be able to find it.
I'm not sure when the second chapter will be released
- most likely soon because I have an addiction -
But in the meantime, I hope you enjoy
the first chapter of
Snake's Pit

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