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It's Thursday the last day of tutoring and vacation. Normally when soldiers come home from a tour they stay home for a month at least before they have a choice to go back. Well I'm a special case I'm still under the custody of the general. That and I can't bare to think anyone during while I am gone.
At the moment I am saying my goodbyes to ma and Charlie.
'Now you do good in school Charlie. I don't want a letter from ma saying that your grades are dropping understood. Hey ma watch my little brother for me. You write me letters please. And im pretty sure that I'll finish college in a couple weeks. But since the general is paying I'm going to do every course in colleges.' I gave them booth a kiss and a hug before walking to the Humvie. I turn around and gave them a wake and a blow kiss and hop in.
The next thing we are driving to the base. We stop at the gates to check any bombs or weapons on us that's not authorized. Once we parked in the parking lot. I ran inside the base and to the generals office. I knocked on the door and waited for permission. I heard a faint come in so I opened the door. I dropped my bag and stood straight and saluted him.
"At ease soldier." He said.
I stopped saluting him and looked him the eyes. 'Reporting for duty sir.' I said. He nodded his head in understanding.
"The copper leaves in five minutes on helipad #3" he said. 'Thank you sir. ' I said and ran out of the door with my bag in hand. I made it to pad three and hopped the copter. The copter took off. I buckled my seat belt and looked outside the window.
After three long hours we finally landed. I hopped of the cooter and jogged back to the empty tent. I checked and cleaned my gun to pristine condition. I went to the makeshift gym area and started working out. With my gun by my side. I crawled under a humvie and started lifting it up and down. Then a voice called out.
"You know we have weights over there right. I'm Sebastian by the way. It's my first tour." He said. I chuckled.
'I know but it's not heavy enough for me.' I said crawling out from under the humvie.
He had this shocked look.
'Hi my name is Sammy it's my second tour. And that was nothing. Usually tanks are still the lightest weights. This was like a penny weight to me.' I said.
"Oi Sammy don't scare our new recruit. Chuck decided to sit out with his wife for a while. And this little dude is filling in." Said Caleb.
'Alright let's see if you can keep up in McStiles obstacle course of torture.' I said with a smile.
Caleb chuckled and patted the recruit on the back and said good luck.
"Why is it called McStiles? What does the course have in it?" He asked.
'Well Sebastian I made this course with help of sergeant's. so it has my last name and two. Well it's three laps around camp. Tank chain drag or lift. Then final is obstacle course provided by the sergeants. Who ever makes it the finish line first wins. And good luck.' I explained.
"Marks, get set, go!" Yelled Caleb.
I sprinted off doing my three laps in no time. While Sebastian was on his second lap I picked up the chain.
"Is she on steroids?" Called out.
Everybody at camp laughs while I ran to the flag mark. I drop the chain and started the obstacle course. He started dragging the chain by the time I finished. I started doing trick push ups and one arm push ups. He came across the finish line breathing hard. I pat him on the back and walked to where my gun was.
I grabbed it and walked back.
'It's okay you know. You probably beat Caleb's time. Well I'm going to work on my schooling so I'll be over there.' I said pointing to the piles of books by the log I sit on. I went over and sat on the log and brought the paper assignments that I need to get down in order finish that course. Then picked up a text book from the book and a note book and started writing.

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