Chapter 8

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Yoongi ran down the same staircase to catch up with Jimin. However, by the time he reached the bottom, the boy was no where in sight. Sighing, he nervously pulled out his phone and opened the navigation app (that Jimin suggested he should download) which would tell him what trains he needed to take.

First he had to find the nearest subway station. He followed the directions and observed his surroundings. It was noisy, and usually that would make him feel uneasy; but he found it lively this time around. He stopped in his place to capture the moment with a picture.

When he got to the station, he glanced down at his phone to make sure that it was really the place he was supposed to go. "This is it, right?" He asked rhetorically, looking around to make sure.

He heard a laugh behind him, and he quickly spun on his heel to see where it had come from. He didn't see anyone in particular though, so he furrowed his eyebrows and turned back around. Then, he turned his head back to double check and saw someone's back as they disappeared around the corner.

He had dark hair.

Yoongi smiled, wondering if it really was Jimin or if he was just jumping to assumptions. It didn't matter at this point though as he walked down the steps to the subway, checking to see which train he would have to take.

The app was a huge help and he wasn't as confused as he was the first time around. He had to remind himself to thank Jimin the next time they ran into each other.

He got onto his first train, spotting a seat and claiming it before pushing his earbuds in and playing his music. This train ride would last a while. He hummed to himself as usual, not letting his eyes shut so that he could keep track of his stops.

His mind wouldn't leave the thought of the raven haired boy alone. Yoongi found the whole situation extremely bizarre. What were the chances that first, he would see the boy again, and second, the boy would be interested in him. He figured that Jimin must've found him attractive to approach him the way he did. He probably noticed the way Yoongi acted the first time they interacted.

He scrunched up his nose, wishing the boy had given him his number. There was just no way he didn't have a phone unless his conditions were exceptionally bad. Yoongi didn't know how this boy lived. He didn't want to believe he had it bad since there was nothing wrong with his appearance. His clothing was perfectly fine and his smile was as bright as day. Maybe he just didn't like to give his number out and Yoongi was just overthinking it all. Yoongi could understand, they had only just met after all. Or maybe Jimin lost interest in him and decided not to share his number. No, but then why would Jimin follow him to the station? But then again, he didn't know if that was really him.

Yoongi took a deep breath. He didn't know why he was thinking so hard over it and stressing for no reason. Of course the reason was as clear as day, he had a crush on him. His voice, his looks, his personality– everything about the boy just shined– and he wondered if it was even possible for him to have flaws.

The two had only spent three or so hours together, yet, Jimin was able to have him under his spell so easily. He was charming to such an extent that it should be illegal.

When it was finally time to get off at his stop, he got up and transferred to the next train. This ride wouldn't last very long.

He arrived home shortly after, entering his apartment and trudging over to his living room before collapsing on top of the couch.

And for the first time that day, he felt alone.

It was weird, after experiencing different interactions with different people to just come home and be by himself. He felt like he should still be out, still be having an adventure of his own.

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