Chapter 1

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Crystal's P.O.V- I heard my alarm go off. I immediately opened my eyes and got up. Today was the day. I was finally going to meet all the boys from vine. I was so nervous and excited. I checked my phone. I put my glasses on and I went downstairs. "Morning Crystal", my mom said. "Morning Mom", I replied. I poured myself a glass of Apple juice and put it in the sink. I quickly headed upstairs and gathered my outfit for the day. I grabbed a towel and entered my bathroom. I turned on the water and let the warm water hit my body. I wonder if they will think I'm normal not crazy, I thought to myself. I got out of the shower quickly and wrapped a towel around my naked body. I went to my room. I got my phone and put my music on shuffle. Miley Cyrus's song 23, came on. I started rapping to Wiz Khalifa's part. I dried my hair and waited a while. I checked my Instagram and saw that Nash, posted a picture of his gorgeous self, "Ready for Magcon!", the caption read. My heart pounded. I loved all the boys though. But I loved Matthew the most. His brown eyes were perfect. Of course he would never notice me because I'm not that pretty, well that's what I think about myself. I shrugged the negative thoughts from my head and got ready. I straightened my long black hair and pinned my bangs back, as usual. I didn't wear makeup but applied some Baby Lips. I put my deodorant on and chose to wear my white pug dog sweater. I paired it with my favorite jeans, and my all time favorite,purple converse. I sprayed some perfume on and got my sling bag. I put my iPhone, perfume,Chapstick and my Magcon Tickets in my purse. I checked myself in the mirror one more time. I was super nervous. I was the shy type, who blushed at almost everything, plus I had stage fright. I hope this goes well. I went downstairs and my sister agreed to take me. Magcon was finally in Kentucky( I know it isn't but just pretend). I lived 1 hour away from where Magcon was at.*1 Hour Later* We were parking into the parking lot . I got off my sisters car and walked inside to the meet & greet. I entered the doors where I thought was to enter. I saw the signs saying Meet & Greet in bold letters on a sign. I followed the signs. I looked down at my phone,checking my social media. I suddenly bumped into someone causing me to fall down. Annoyance was what I was feeling. "I'm so sorry,let me help you", a boys voice said. I looked up to meet a familiar face, brown eyes and perfect face. Matthew Espinosa. My heart beat quickened. I came back into reality. Matthew extended his hand, and I grabbed it lightly. He pulled me up and I straightened myself. Matthew bent down and had my phone in his hand. The screen lit up revealing my lock screen which was Matthew's perfect face. He chuckled. My cheeks burned. I took my phone. "Thank You", I said quietly. I walked away as quickly as I could. Oh my gosh, Matthew was in front of me and I acted stupid. I sighed, and entered the meet & greet line.

Matthew's P.O.V- The girl I bumped into walked away. She was adorable. She had long black hair and dark brown eyes. She had black glasses which made her cuter. The way she blushed added to her adorableness. I walked back to to the lounge, where all the boys were at. "About time, Espinosa. We are about to go on to the meet & greet table", Cameron said. "I know, sorry, I just accidentally ran into someone", I replied. "Was that someone a girl?", Carter asked. "Ooh yeah was it a girl", Nash asked. "Yes it was a girl, but I don't know her name, but she was adorable", I said. "Aw is wittle Matt in wove", Taylor said, in a baby voice. I rolled my eyes at him. Our security guard came in and escorted us to the meet & greet room. Tons of girls were screaming our names. We sat down in our seats and we all had microphones. "What's up Magcon!", Taylor yelled into the microphone. All the girls screamed. Security told the girls to get in a line. There was a lot of pretty girls here. I signed lots of autographs and took lots of selfies, and it was barely 10 minutes. I looked up to the next girl and it was her. The girl who I bumped into. "Hey beautiful, what's your name", I asked her. She blushed. "It's Crystal Martinez", she replied, looking down at the floor. "I like your sweater", I told Crystal. "Thanks!",she said. "Um, can I have a picture with you?", she asked nervously. I smiled. "Sure", I said. Her face lit up. She took out her iPhone and got closer to me. I smiled and so did she, and snapped the picture. "Perfect", she squealed. Crystal was perfect in every way. She moved on and I frowned. I wanted her here. I sighed. Finally meet & greet was over and now it was time to get on stage. "Hello Magcon Kentucky!", I yelled into the mic. The girls yelled back. "Which lucky girl, would like to sing for us up here?", JC asked. Some of the girls raised their hand. I spotted Crystal again, who raised her hand. I thought she was shy. "How about Crystal Martinez", I said into the mic. Crystals face lit up again and she came foward.

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