Chapter 14

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Crystal's P.O.V- It was the next morning. I was pretty nervous, since Matthew was coming to my house for the first time. I rubbed my sleepy eyes, and got off my bed. Obviously my parents wanted our house clean, when guests come over. I cleaned my room, making it look presentable. I texted my cousin Jennifer, about Matt coming over. Jennifer told me good luck. Why am I so stressed over this. I remembered, the picture I first took with Matt, at Magcon. I got some decorative paper, and tape. I quickly printed our picture from my laptop, and cut it. I glued the picture on the pale pink paper, with squiggles all over it. Under the picture I wrote, June 27th, 2013. Today was June 30th, 3 days ago, Matthew Espinosa asked me out. I checked the time, and it was 1:41 PM. 4 more hours till Matthew comes. I texted Matt the directions. I was surprised Bart would let Matt come here. I need to thank Bart later. Hopefully, my parents will not embarrass me. "CRYSTAL COME DOWN HERE!," My mom yelled. "Coming!," I yelled back. I skipped downstairs. My mom was in the kitchen, reading Cosmopolitan Magazines. "What's up?," I asked. "Since your boyfriend is coming, I thought maybe you can invite his parents, to meet them as well," My mom said. "What? Oh, um, yeah sure. I'll do that," I mumbled. "After you do that, you will help me prepare for dinner early", My mom ordered. "Yes sir," I said, saluting her. I went upstairs again and quickly texted Matt. Crystal- Matt, my mom asked me to invite your parents over too. Matt❤- Sure, They'll love too! Crystal- Hopefully this will go well. Matt❤- It will babe. I went back downstairs and helped my mom early. We finally agreed on making Lasagna as the main dish. Salad as a side, and ice cream for dessert. Of course, I picked ice cream as dessert. By the time we finished, it was almost close to 6:00pm. I decided to wear a formal outfit. I put on my plain black shirt, my black skater skirt, and my long white knit cardigan. I added my white flats to match. I curled my hair and pinned my hair . I heard the doorbell ring. I panicked and fled downstairs. I straightened my outfit and my parents were also ready. My sister, Gladys, decided to go to the movies with her boyfriend Jorge. My dad was wearing a white polo shirt, with jeans, and his sperry's. My mom wore a floral dress, that came to her knees, and white sandals. She rarely wore dresses, I guess this was important. My mom opened the door, and it was Matt. Oh gosh, he looked so handsome. He dressed really formal for this. He wore a white long sleeved, button up shirt, a black tie, and black dress pants. I tried not to say anything stupid. Behind him, was his parents I'm guessing. His mom had the same smile and eyes as Matt. His mom had bright eyes, and a genuine smile. I hugged Matthew first. Then his mom, hugged me lightly. "You must be Crystal!," Mrs. Espinosa exclaimed. I nodded. I greeted his dad, who also was bright. "Matthew is right, you are a beautiful young woman," Mr.Espinosa said. I blushed. "Thank You," I said nervous. I forgot my parents were there. I cleared my throat. "Oh this is my boyfriend, Matthew Espinosa," I said. "It's very nice to meet you," Matthew said, shaking my parents hands. "Well lets sit down to eat, shall we," My mother spoke. Oh god, please let this go well.

Hi guys!! Thank you for all the lovely comments an votes. Sorry for not updating in forever! I barely got my Internet back Wednesday. Ily guys so much and thank you for being patient. I will probably update later or sometime really soon. Sorry this was a boring and short chapter. I love you guys and if you want to follow my Instagram, my fan account is @vineboyswut & my personal is @lizzypecina . Thank you guys! Stay fierce 🌸

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