Finding out why I was ill

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Lana POV

The razor fell from my hand and I collapsed down onto the floor. I cant do it. I want to but I cant. All this time Ive been with Harry and Ive known the other boys, they've kept me from doing hurtful things to myself. I woke up and sat up. It was dark. I got up and walked into my bedroom and looked at the clock. 4:23am. I groaned. I layed back down on my bed and fell asleep peacefully. I woke up again with a horrible pain in my stomach. I got up, and ran for the bathroom, which was only a few feet away from my room. I felt the sting in my throat, of my sick rising. I leaned over the toilet and let it all out. I wiped my mouth with some tissue, and flushed it all away. I walked to the kitchen and got myself some water, drinking a mouthful, then swishing it around my mouth, before spitting it down the sink. I drank the rest and placed the cup in the sink. I sat down, listening and wandering why I've been this ill lately.

I went upstairs to shower, washing my hair and myself with soap, and shampoo. Once I was done, I glt out, wrspping a towel around me, and wandered into the bedroom. Its only been a couple of days since Harry left me, and I called it quits with him. I put on some clean underwear, then I put on my creme quarter lengths on, then followed by a nice dark pink T - Shirt. I dried my hair with the dryer, then pulled it up into a loose bun. I put on some light make up and put on my black flats.

I decided to just go and grab something to eat and do abit of window shopping. For those who dont know what 'window shopping' is, its where you look at stuff, but you dont buy. I walked into cafe nero, and brought a mint milkshake type thing, with a chocolate chip muffin. That'll do for now, I thought. I walked into different shops, and came out empty handed. I walked down particular aisle, and suddenly stopped. No, I cant be! I thought. My heart was beating faster and faster as I urged my hand to pick it up. I did, forcefully, and brought it along with some sleep tablets, headache tablets, and some more perfume. I walked out, feeling nervous because I brought it.

I drove home, in silence and kept thinking. If I am, that means Ive kicked Harry out for no reason. I need him! We need him! I soon drove down my road and pulled the car into my drive, and cut off the engine, sighing in the process. I got out my bags, and got out of the car, closing the door and locking it. I walked slowly up to the front door, putting the metal shape key into the door lock, and turning the door knob. I stepped inside, using all my strength and closing the door with my back. I put the bags down, getting out the tablets and putting them awsy in the medicine cupboard and kept the other things in the bag.

I took one glance at the rectangular box, just sitting there in the plastic bag. Nah! I'll deal with that later, I thought again. I took the bag upstairs, took out my perfume and placed it on my dresser and wrapped the box up in the plastic bag and hid it at the bottom of my underwear drawer.

I decided not to eat any lunch, as Im not hungry and I dont feel like eating. I layed down on my bed, thinking and listening to the outside world. The birds were tweeting away, dogs barking away, and engines of different cars, roaring down the road. I turned over onto my side, trying to get some rest, but I couldnt. Maybe because its too light outside, I thought. Yes, that is why! I scrolled through twitter to find many retweets, and activity notices. "@Lana_Hey , why arent you with @Harry_Styles anymore? You two were a great couple." "Who ships Lana and Harry Styles? Lets get #Hana trending!"

(Hana is the ship name for Harry and Lana)

"WE WANT HANA BACK!" "@Lana_Hey, why??" I kept scrolling and I suddenly got loads of missed calls and texts from Harry.

From: Harry

Hey babe! Listen, I know your probably mad at me, but heres a link to say that I wasnr chesting on you. Please take me back? I will always love you and Im never going to leave you for someone else. Your far too precious to me to loose you! :)

Harry xxx

I smiled. I just got up and decided to open that box that I put away. I went into the bathroom and opened the packet. I used the stick and waited for 5 minutes, for what seemed ages.


I sighed. Ok, the time is up and this is going to explain ALOT of why ive been ill lately and stuff. I took one look and my eyes were open wide. I was shocked. Its positive meaning Im pregnant with (hopefully, hes the only one Ive been with) Harrys child.

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