You're cheating on me?!

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Lana POV

I sat quietly on the sofa, as I heard Harry doing something in the kitchen. I sighed and giggled lightly to myself as I heard a load of pots and pans crashing down onto the ground. "Harry?! Whats going on?" I called. "N-....Nothing!" He called back, with laughter in his voice. "Im just trying to do something, then I opened a cupboard and I started looking for stuff, then it all fell out..." Harry continued, with laughter still. I laughed and tried to peer around the corner of the livingroom, which led into the kitchen. "Are you sure you dont need any help?!" I said while trying not to laugh anymore. "I give up ok...." Harry laughed and then came back into the livingroom. "Im going out to get some groceries. You alright here on your own?" I nodded. "Im going to be fine. I was left hereon my own for 8 months without you... And I missed you!" I carefully got up and hugged Harry. "Awwh, I missed you too babe." Harry replied. "I'll be back in a few." He kissed my lips lightly and went to the coat rack, and headed out the door, followed by the door closing. I sighed and walked up to the TV, and turned it on.

The news was on, so I decided to just have a look and see whats been going on out in the world. As I watching the news, a particular headline caught my eye.



My legs were getting weak, and my hands were shaking. I ran for my phone and picked it up, almost immediately calling Harry. Tears fell, falling like a huge thunderstorm flooding fields upon miles. My voice was unsteady. I heard Harrys voice, he sounded very concerned, and upset. "Princess? Lana? Hello? Are you there?" He called down the phone. "I-Is this true?!" I yelled, angry, and upset.

Harry just laughed. "Is what true?" "That you're cheating on me with some other girl?!" Silence. Nothing was said and the whole world felt like it had stopped. "Harry please tell me this isnt true...." I cried. Still silence. "I-I...... I-I-I-....Im really sorry Lana b-..." I cant believe it. I never thought Harry wouldnt do this to me and to prove to the whole world that hes not a womanizer people say he is. "Harry how could you?!" I hung up and cried. I threw my phone onto the livingroom floor and ran upstairs into my room,  curled up in a ball on the bed and cried. My crying soon stopped and I soon fell asleep.

*2 hours later*

I slowly opened my eyes to hear russling downstairs. I quietly got up, wiped my eyes and walked to the top of the stairs. I tiptoed down and suddenly spotted 3 tall persons in my livingroom. I was just about to run in, but then decided not to. I crept around into the kitchen, and into the livingroom, but accidentally stood on an empty crisp packet. I froze in my spot. I heard footsteps, and the people came into view. Liam,Niall and Harry. "What are you doing here Harry?" I asked. "Well, I live here." He carried on doing what he was doing, completely ignoring me.

"W-....What are you doing?!" I asked, terrified as I saw him picking things up and putting them into a box. "Hes moving out." Replied Liam. Tears fell again. I stopped in his way and looked him in the eyes. "Why are you doing this harry? I love you deeply, I mean that! Why are you moving out?!" I asked, letting the tears fall so they wont block up my eyes. "Because I didnt cheat on you. I love you too but you wouldnt believe me and let me finish what I was going to say. Im sorry Lana." He had a sad face on, and he kissed me on the lips. I enjoyed the moment while I could, and then they all left, closing the door behind them. What have I done?! I thought. "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" I screamed. "Im a terrible girlfriend and I dont deserve Harry anymore. Hes left me so theres no point in living anymore." Tears fell as I headed upstairs to the bathroom. I searched through the cupboard to find the razor, that Harry keeps away from me. I finally found it and pulled it close. I closed the cupboard and put the razor close to my skin....

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