Casual Day With Friends Part 2

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Lana POV

We all sat down, and we started with me getting to know Eleanor and Perrie, and the girls getting to know me. We talked amongst ourselfs, til Louis suggested we played a game of truth or dare. I always dreaded that game, because it always ended up in disasters so I never really played it that much, but everyone was up for it, so I just went along with it. Everyone gathered on the carpet floor, but I just sat on the sofa chair to support my back. Since Louis picked the game, he spun the glass and it whizzed around several times before it landed on someone I was dreading. Me. "Lana!! Truth or Dare?" Louis asked. I just said replied with a simple answer. "Truth please Louis." He thought for a few minutes until he came up with a question.

"If you didnt meet Harry, who would you of wanted to fall for instead?" Tricky one... I really had no idea, because I had no idea who they were until I was forced to be Harrys girlfriend. "I dont know... I guess Niall." I noticed Niall smile, and then just looked blankly at the floor. I spun the bottle, and it happened to land on the same person. "Niall, truth or dare?" I asked. "Truth please." I didnt have to think long before I asked a question. "Do you have an eye on a girl?" He furrowed his eyebrows, guessing he was thinking. "I did, but shes taken, And Im happy that shes happy."

I smiled and Niall span the glass bottle. 2 hours went by, and it soon came to lunch time. "Im out of the game for abit. Im gonna get something to eat, anyone want anything?" I asked. Niall nodded, Louis looked confused, Zayn shook his head, Harry nodded, and Eleanor and Perrie came to help me with the food and stuff. "I know I dont really know you that well, but you're pregnant..." I looked down at the floor, and kept quiet. "There's no point keeping quiet..." I sighed and turned to look at Eleanor and Perrie was just smiling. "But Ive got to tell you something aswell... Im also pregnant-..." We kinda cut off Eleanor mid sentence and I was really happy for her. "Congrats El!" She smiled. "Thanks girls, but..." She looked around and kept quiet. "But Louis doesnt know." Then why ever not?! I thought.

"You should tell him El..." Perrie said, helping me with the food and drinks and the 2 trays. "I want to but I dont want it to happen to me like I read in books." She sighed. "What to happen?" I asked, carrying the trays through, and placed them down onto the dining table before going back to the kitchen area. "Well, Ive read somewhere that if I tell him, hes just going to leave me to look after myself AND the baby and and I'll end up being all sad and then I'll bump into him again and-..." Perrie and I sat Eleanor down and looked her in the eyes. "Its not going to happen.. Dont you worry." Perrie said. I handed El a glass of fresh water and she drank. Eleanor nodded. "Ok, if you say so." I suddenly had an Idea. "Hey, I think we're getting along quite well here, we should meet up and have a girly day out or something?" I asked. El and Perrie nodded in agreement. "Yes! I love the idea!!" Eleanor smiled. "I think Im going to tell Louis tonight, and I'll send a message to you guys how he takes it." I got Eleanor's and Perrie's numbers and we all went to sit back down in the livingroom.

"So where is the food?" Niall asked. I just laughed lightly. "Its on the table over there." I pointed at the table, and they all got up. Harry turned to help me up, but I refused. "Its ok Harry, I'll just stay here with El and Perrie." Harry nodded, and then smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the lips. "Mmmm! Thwis foowd wis swo goowd.." Niall said, while still chewing. "Woah, finish what your eating and then tell me." He swallowed and then repeated. "I said, this food is really good!" I smiled. "Thanks Niall! But you always love food so..." Niall nodded. "You've gotta love food!"

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