Chapter 1

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  When the train came to a stop in Hogsmead, robed bodies sped out of the train. Harry heard the familiar sound of Hagrid calling the first years to him to ride the boats over the Black Lake. Harry could still remember the first time he rode in those boats. He was so nervous, but happy to be away from the Dursley's for such a long period of time.
  The Dursley's were awful, even Harry knew that, though he didn't until he met Mrs. Weasley. They had him making meals and doing chores since he was physically capable. Not to mention the punishments he had received when he did something wrong, or, heaven forbid, when he preformed accidental magic. Harry couldn't help but shudder at the thought.
  He was brought back from his musings by the sound of Hermione asking him if he was alright for what seemed like the hundredth time in the past few hours.
  The small party of two approached the carriages. Harry couldn't help but think of how many students would be able to see the thestrals now. That thought was probably more upsetting than any he had previous. Harry was once again brought out of his thoughts when someone else climbed into the carriage.
  "Potter." Draco Malfoy greeted him. Harry vaguely wondered how they were going to act around each other now.
  "Malfoy." He responded. He assumed that would be the end of it, but clearly Malfoy had other ideas.
  "Potter," Harry could visibly see the deep breath the other boy took before continuing ", my mother wishes to thank you." Malfoy said, clearly not wanting to say this.
  "Oh. Well, it's fine. I guess." I responded lamely. Apparently the confusion was clear on my face, because Malfoy decided to explain further.
  "For defending her at the trial... And for saving me..." He explained, not meeting my eyes.
  "Oh, it's alright. She didn't deserve to go to Azkaban for merely standing by her husband. Not to mention the fact that I'd likely be dead if not for her." I said, deliberately ignoring the last part of his statement.
  Apparently, that was all that Malfoy had to say, as he didn't speak for the rest of the carriage ride. Hermione kept shooting me concerned glances, as she had throughout the day. As soon as the carriage stopped, Malfoy got out of the it, leaving without a single glance behind, which was fine by me.

  After all of the first years were sorted, Professor McGonagall stood, and the Great Hall instantly quieted.
  "Now, before we begin the feast, I would like to say a few words. First years, the Forbidden Forest is off limits to all students. Our caretaker, Mr. Filch has asked me to remind students that all products from Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes are forbidden from school grounds. Magic of any kind is not allowed in the corridors between classes. And finally, I would like all eighth year students to stay after the feast for information about you dormitories and classes. Thank you." As she sat down in the Headmaster's seat, food appeared at all of the four house tables and the professor's table.
  As soon as the food appeared on the table, all of the students quickly began to tuck in. Well, almost all of them. Harry put a few pieces of fruit and bread on his plate, barely even glancing at any of the food. He couldn't help but think about who had last occupied that center seat at the professor's table.
  "Harry? Are you alright?" Harry heard from Neville, who was sitting across from him. Harry, almost completely lost in thought, only gave a brief nod.
  "Are you sure, mate? You've barely touched your food!" He heard Dean say from next to Neville.
  "Really guys, I'm fine. Guess I'm just not hungry." He caught Hermione's concerned glance go from his nearly empty plate to his frail form. "Really. I'm fine." He said in what he hoped was with finality. His classmates, sensing his want to not talk about it, quickly changed the subject.
  After the feast ended, all of the eighth years stayed behind. After the last student and professor left, McGonagall began explaining the classes. They would be in the same ones that they had chosen, unless they had decided to change subjects, then they had the first week of classes to transfer. They would also share classes with current seventh years, though not always with their actual house. She then went on to explain the dormitories. As many of the ones in the different houses were already overly filled, eighth years would have their own, in one of the far towers. After saying this, McGonagall told the students to follow her to the dorms.
  After walking to the back of the school, and up several flights of stairs, we reached the eighth year dorms. The headmistress then turned again. "Now, as there are fewer of you, everyone will have their own room. The password is superstes noster mendum. Good luck." As the portrait opened, she turned and headed back down the staircase.
  All of the eighth years went through the portrait, trying to find the door with their name on it. Harry quickly found his room at the very end of the hall, and, after saying a quick good night to his friends, decided to unpack tomorrow and go to bed.

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