Chapter 24

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"Harry, really now, you're being ridiculous. It isn't as if you haven't met Draco's mother before!" Hermione exclaimed, sitting on my bed. "And stop pacing! It's irritating." I immediately turned to her, an incredulous expression on my face.

"Yeah I've met Mrs. Malfoy before, but it wasn't exactly under good circumstances!" I continued pacing, running a hand through my hair. "What if she doesn't think I'm good enough for him? I mean, I'd agree with her, but still-"

"Harry!" Hermione shouted. I was about to apologize, but she cut in. "It's obvious how much you and Draco care for each other, and his mother will see that. A blind man could see it for God's sake! And how would Draco feel if he heard you talk like that?" She asked with a raised eyebrow. I sighed at that.

"He'd say I was a bloody idiot..." I muttered, earning her nod of approval. "Sorry." I cast quick tempus, nearly gawking at the time. "Draco'll kill me if I'm late!" I heard Hermione chuckle at my tone of voice, but chose to ignore it in favor of grabbing my jacket. "Bye 'Mione!" I yelled out behind me as I ran.

I sprinted through the corridors, and down the moving staircases (with some difficulty,) before reaching the front entrance. I couldn't help but smile slightly at the sight of the blue haired man. Draco leaned against the stone wall, looking the other direction, hands in his pockets of his grey trousers. When I approached him, however, he turned towards me.

"Actually on time? Who are you, and what have you done with my boyfriend?" Draco said, the usual snark in his voice. Laughing, I walked over to the other boy, who was now smirking.

"Y'know, "I started, "I can be punctual, with enough motivation."

"I'm sure you believe that." Draco smiled, pecking me on the cheek, before turning his on his heel. "Now we must be going, or we may very well be late. McGonagall has given us permission to leave Hogwarts to meet my mother."

"Where are we going?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

"It's a muggle place in London." He responded. I followed behind him, confused when he didn't walk towards the thestral drawn carriages. After several moments, I finally voiced my confusion. Draco just chuckled. "We're apparating there, Harry. I thought it was obvious."

Eventually, we reached what I assumed was the apparition point, as Draco stopped at what seemed to me to be a random spot. He held out his hand, eyebrow raised when I tilted my head in confusion. When realization dawned on me, I blushed heavily in embarrassment, quickly grabbing onto his offered hand. After a moment, I twined our fingers together, blush increasing exponentially.

After a few moments, both Draco and I were standing in the alleyway of what I assumed was London, based on the sounds of honking cars, and hundreds of feet walking past. Draco swiftly led me around the corner, stopping in front of a rather cozy looking restaurant. Upon entering, I smelled the incredible scent of pot roast, coffee, and something that I couldn't quite place. The interior of the place looked like it hadn't been decorated since the seventies, with the yellow booths, and green tiled floors. There was a bar with stools standing in front of it, only a handful of people occupying them. Upon further inspection, I found the one and only Mrs. Malfoy sitting in the very corner booth of the restaurant, a steaming cup of coffee on the table. Draco and I strode over to her. Well, Draco strode. I stumbled slightly, praying to Merlin that no one noticed. The slight smirk on Draco's lips told me my prayers went unanswered.

"Mother." Draco greeted when we reached her table.

"Draco," she responded, a loving smile on her face. "And Mr. Potter. I have been wanting to meet with you."

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