Meeting the parents

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"You need to meet my parents."
They put on their jackets and shoes and headed out to the hot spring. When they got there, Victor and Yuri was waiting at the door, Victor's expression stern. "Yurio, who is this?" Yuri asked. "This is Otabek, my b-boyfriend." Yurio stuttered nervously.
"Oh really? Why didn't you tell us sooner? Let's eat katsudon!" Victor squealed.
"So,um, Otabek. How long have you two been dating?" Asked Yuri .
" three months"
" have you done anything...heated,yet?" Asked Victor, clearly wanting details.
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT?!!" Yelled Yurio, trying to hide his blush, but failing easily.
"C'mon, have you? I need to know." Begged Victor.
"We have made out and had sexa few times." Otabek answered, blushing a little, memories flooding back like one, big wave. They spent the rest of the night talking and Yurio screaming out of embarrassment when Otabek got in details about their relationship. "Hey Otabek, have you ever tasted pork cutlet bowls?" Yuri asked, passing him a pork cutlet bowl he  just made. " but, it's so good!" Otabek said, tasting it for the first time. It tasted amazing! Like little taste buds dancing around his mouth.
"Thanks for the meal!" He thanked the couple and was about to walk out the door when Yuri got up and blurted,"Would you like to stay for the night?" "Ah, sure." Otabek gasped.
Later that night, he went to the hot spring with Yurio and they talked for a few minutes before he had went to change clothes. "So Otabek, do you want to sleep in another room-
"He's going to sleep with me, piggy. If you want to." Yurio said, flushed at the words that came out of his mouth.
"Um...I'll sleep with Yurio if it's okay " Otabek said
"Good night, you two!" Victor yawned.
Yurio slammed the door as soon as Otabek walked in.
There was a silence before Yurio gently pushed Otabek on the bed and kissed him passionately.

Should I do a lemon or not?
Happy new year!!!🎊🎊🎉🎉🎀🎀🎀

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