Year One 7/8; Risking Imminent Peril

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You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go. ~TS Elliot

Hajime Iwaizumi keeps his gaze focused on the contrasting pairs of wings ahead of him.

They've been flying almost nonstop since they left the rookery and he can't be certain he hasn't been spotted as they'd made a beeline for the coast before turning south when they'd hit the ocean. They'd stopped in a dingy inn overnight along the roadway, leaving before the sun was over the horizon this morning. He's nearly lost them several times in his efforts to remain undetected, but they've picked up speed today; it makes Hajime think they are closing in on their destination— and stars willing, maybe he will finally get a break in his search for the avian prince.

The two foreign avians had spent four days in the rookery, surrounded by family and close friends of the former first unit. They'd never been without an escort whenever they'd ventured from the Nishinoya residence with either Saeko or Momma Yu or one of the others always with them, so he'd had no opportunity to casually approach.

He'd been torturously conflicted about reporting them to the Grand King. An interrogation might have gotten some answers... but it would have lost them the opportunity to possibly gain more through simple surveillance. Since everyone they met with had ties to the former first unit, Hajime was positive beyond doubt that they knew them, would have any amount of information on the heir and his unit, the least of which would be their location. But it might have taken time to obtain that during which the former first unit could easily be spooked by their absence and slip through his fingers once more. And no matter how much it felt like a betrayal, Hajime couldn't do it.

Here was the first tangible link to Kageyama and the others he'd had in over a year. Here was his first real chance of finding them that was more than just a story or rumor. He didn't know when or if he'd get another like it. So he'd returned to the rookery leader's study and asked for a few days' leave to chase down a lead that seemed promising. Although surprised, the Grand King had been nothing but amenable to the request.

And as the two head into a dive over a small beach town ahead of him, Hajime feels his limbs shiver in anticipation, because he feels like he's this close. This close to finding Kageyama and the first unit. This close to unraveling the riddle of their disappearance and solving the question of their location. This close to succeeding in something that had turned zero results for over a year.

He briefly loses sight of them as he skims the treetops at top speed to close in from where he'd been hanging back and he wants to curse. He's come too far to fail now, and as he crests the treeline before the wash of buildings, he catches sight of pale wings. He double checks with slight annoyance to make sure that it's not a gull; he'd nearly lost them more than once yesterday after they'd hit the coast and the other white winged avians were everywhere.

After following them for five days, he's gotten to recognize their shapes from a distance and they've just landed outside a small shop where a man that reminds him oddly of Saeko Tanaka with his banded blond hair and black crow wings, has stepped out to meet them with an easy grin. He doesn't recognize this person at all, but the two definitely know him; they've both been pretty antisocial this whole trip and the freckled crow chatters to him far more than simple greetings would require while the blond nods and answers when addressed. Hajime frowns slightly.

Another contact point?

The man laughs and asks something else and nods after a moment... and then his eyes cut up and straight to him. Hajime goes as rigid as his gliding wings allow.

Shit. They definitely knew he was tailing them.

It makes his blood chill in his veins, his entire being uneasy. He'd thought that maybe he'd gone undetected... but he was wrong. And in an instant, he's furious with himself. He's probably just lost the chance to find the Grand King's stupid kid, probably won't get another shot like this, and he's probably being watched now, too.

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