Year One 5/8; Transpiration & Insight

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Everyone you will ever meet knows something you do not. ~Bill Nye

Kenma Kozume's eyes drift open, the steady thrum of Kuroo's heartbeat almost soothing enough to send him back into the grey world of sleep.

He blinks, and the events of the previous night ignite in rapid succession in his memory like a fast burning wick. Bokuto's injury, the ensuing chaos, the mounting stress as they waited for news on the owl's condition, Akaashi's collapse... it all assaults him at once, and Kuroo shifts slightly, a large hand coming up to rest on his head in reassurance. That means the black cat is already awake... which means he probably didn't sleep at all. Kenma releases a light sigh. Whenever Kuroo didn't sleep, it usually made him a bit more surly.

Today would be interesting... especially if the other cat was still here. The others might not have noticed, but the tawny feline had put Kuroo on edge off the starting line. Kenma knew there was very little that got by the large black cat, and Kuroo had kept one ear perpetually swiveled in the stranger's direction the entire evening. His hair had nearly bristled on end when they learned he'd had no intention of leaving well after night had fallen and Yachi had finally finished up. It might have made sense if he were avian since they couldn't see in the dark, but he was a cat like them; the blackest of nights wasn't really a hindrance for them.

Kenma can tell some of the others are leery of him, too. Tanaka wasn't at ease and Kageyama had hardly moved more than two steps from Hinata all night, his scowls effectively preventing the redhead from striking up any sort of conversation with him. Daichi had been polite, but not open, and Kenma himself had carefully remained in the background to avoid attention. The only ones who'd seemed normal around him were Noya and Lev, which made Kenma's skin prickle. Both of those two had mouths that neither were very good at keeping tabs on. His gaze slides to the side and lands on the net slung over the railing.

It's finished.

It still looks like a mess, but they should be able to use it now at least. Something that probably would have taken Tanaka and Noya a week had gotten done in an hour with everyone's help. Kenma has to give the bald crow's instincts credit. The instant need to break the tension by giving them something to do had been brilliant.

They'd just been finishing the last few ties when Yachi had stumbled out with a tired but tentatively satisfied look on her face. She'd sent Akaashi back in with strict instructions to keep him still when he woke up before taking a seat on the steps herself. She'd looked exhausted, and a small spatter of blood had marred her shirt, but she'd seemed almost content.

When Kenma had stuck his head inside, he'd been quietly awed at the bunting's work. Suga and Asahi were still scrubbing the blood off the table and cleaning up, but pristine white wraps encased the owl's shoulder and ribs, the rod gone and blood having yet to seep through. His chest had risen and fallen in even tempo beneath the blankets that covered him and he'd noted that Yachi had been serious about the 'no movement' thing. The ropes they used to bind the avians' wings in the past had secured the owl firmly to the table, preventing excess movement.

Bedding had been belatedly pulled out, and Kenma had snagged the young heir's attention when the redhead had started to nod before pointedly glancing toward the strange cat. The black-haired crow had gotten the message and had pulled out a pillow and blanket and tugged Hinata up the stairs after him to one of the unused rooms, followed quickly by Daichi and Suga.

The russet cat was still an unknown, and they had more than a few secrets, the least of which would be revealed by a glowing Hinata.

Kiyoko had gathered the bunting up and led her back inside, already half-asleep on her feet and Noya and Asahi shadowing them. Tanaka had picked out a place against the wall in the large room where he could see both them and the owls, and Kenma had noted that his choice and demeanor were very much like something Kuroo would do.

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