Year One 2/8; Promnesia

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Déjà vu is the mind's way of letting you know you are in the right place at the right time. ~Unknown

Kei Tsukishima lands in the rookery tree market, Yamaguchi shadowing him like a pup on leash. To be frank, he's impressed on some level at the design of the place what with the boardwalks stretching between the shops several feet above the ground, but he can already tell this is going to be a trip to remember— and perhaps not with the fondest capacity.

Yep. We are totally going to succeed at staying invisible, he mentally grouses with wry cynicism.

There are more crows around him than he's ever wanted to see, and almost everyone stares at his pale wings. Adults glance away in embarrassment when he meets their gazes, conscious of having been caught, the shopkeepers taking extra note of his presence.

And there are kids. All of which don't even bother to hide their fascination. This can't get much better, he muses with a frown as one wanders up in front of them with blatant curiosity. She can't be more than four hundred years old with solid black eyes, and Kei has the irrational certainty that children are, indeed, spawn from hell. Shaking his head at the moronic thought, he eyes her distastefully, careful not to scowl if he can help it; Yamaguchi said he could make kids cry if he looked at them wrong and that's the last thing they need.

But she's completely alone.

Seriously, she looks like an orphan. Where were her parents? What person lets their little blood minion just wander around unsupervised like this? And she keeps staring at him with bright inquisition that reminds him eerily of Hinata. What was he supposed to do with her? What did anyone do with a little spawn monster?

But no sooner is he considering casting about for a guardian of some type, then Yamaguchi has it under control. If under control means the crow bending down to her level and beckoning her closer. She shyly moves up to the freckled crow, her gaze straying up to him every other step.

"Hi kiddo, what's your name?" Yamaguchi asks with an easy smile and the little girl focuses on him more squarely.

"Mei." She says softly and his face brightens.

"Aw, that's adorable— just like you! Want to know something neat? His name is Kei. They rhyme!" He bubbles animatedly and the ibis almost coughs.

What the heck was Yamaguchi up to now? The little girl smiles and turns and points at his wings. She turns back to the crow with a happy grin.

"Pretty!" She blurts and Kei's brow arches.

Really, now, they weren't—

"They are, aren't they? The feathers on their undersides are super soft." Yamaguchi says with a laugh and holds his arms out to the small child and Kei deadpans.

What the hell, Yamaguchi. And don't pick that kid up. You don't know where it's been, he wants to grouse but the little girl is already reaching for the crow who scoops her up and settles her on his hip. Kei abruptly wants to bang his head against a wall.

Oh, yes. Great idea.

He's pretty sure they look like they are abducting a small child right now. Yes, kidnapping was a stellar way to keep a low profile.

Yamaguchi leans in toward her, but glances at him.

"Do you think he might let us touch one if we ask him nicely?" The crow whispers conspiratorially and her black eyes dart toward him. Kei resists the urge to jolt at her excited little wiggle and settles for a frown at Yamaguchi.

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