Year Three 2/9; Shared Adversity

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A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~ Marion Garrety

Koushi Sugawara walks with Daichi behind Tanaka, Hinata and Kageyama. They are back in the market for food because the three in front of them can eat every meal like it's their last. He's pretty sure none of them know the meaning of portion control.

"I want yakiniku." The redhead says buoyantly, but Kageyama scoffs.

"You sound like Bokuto."

"We had pork curry last time, it's my turn to pick." Hinata says with a frown.

"What's wrong with pork curry, idiot?"

"We've had it twice in three days!" The redhead's exasperation bleeds freely into his voice.

"We could always get melonpan." Tanaka says nonchalantly, the bald crow slouching beside the two with his normal scowl.

"That's not something you make a meal out of." Kageyama mutters with a frown.

"Shut up, moron. We could, too." The redhead vouches on the bald crow's behalf.

"You'll be miserable afterword, too." The avian heir counters.

"We'd be fine, you—"

"How about ramen." Daichi says briskly and Koushi smiles.

"I could go for mapo tofu." He says since everyone else has tossed their suggestions in.

"I'd take ramen first." Tanaka says sourly. Koushi almost laughs. The bald crow dislikes most spicy foods and everyone is aware of how the thrush prefers his.

"Oh! Could I get an egg with mine?" Hinata asks, his face lighting up. Daichi half-sighs.

"You guys are expensive. Why don't Kageyama and Tanaka go hunting or something?"

"Can't. Kuroo's orders. Something about not going off by our—"

The bald crow breaks off, stopping on a dime.

Everyone turns toward him questioningly only to see him staring down at a small redheaded girl who has a hand fisted into the hem of his shirt. A little redhead girl who looks like Hinata.

Nevermind the fact that a child went up and grabbed Tanaka with his perpetual grimacing scowl, Koushi's mind stumbles at the resemblance to the small spiker. Her face, her eyes, her hair... even their body proportions are scary similar. And her wings. They have white ticking just like Hinata's did... although, they aren't quite 'right' and Koushi can't quite put his finger on why.

Everyone stares for a long moment before Tanaka moves. He drops down in front of her with a grin.

"Wow! I didn't think I'd see you again! I'm glad you're alright." He says and the little girl smiles just a little. She pulls her arm from behind her back and holds out a handful of large flowers. Tanaka blinks before he laughs.

"Right. Sunflowers." He says and pulls something that catches the sunlight from a pocket.

"Like these." He says and her eyes drop to his hand. Koushi had seen him thumbing the little glass ornamental hairpin a couple nights back, and he'd been puzzled over the deep contemplative look the crow had held, but hadn't thought much more than that.

The girl lets go of his shirt and runs small fingers over the tiny flowers that match the real ones in her hand. The bald crow watches her before his mouth quirks with a smirk.

"Tell you what. Why don't you keep this one and I'll take these." He says easily, grasping the sunflowers in her hand and laying them down next to himself. Carefully leaning forward, he slips the pin into her hair just above one of her pigtails.

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