Year Five.25 1/3; Resolve & Potential

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It is in my nature to be kind, gentle, and loving, but know this: when it comes to matters of protecting my friends, my family, and my heart, do not trifle with me, for I am also the most powerful and relentless creature you will ever know. ~Anonymous

~Five Months Later, High Summer~

Tobio Kageyama lands lightly in the middle of the main road running through a small town, his leveler dropping beside him a little less gracefully. Lev appears out of nowhere with a grin, Yaku at his elbow.

"That was the longest flight so far." The tall cat says, his green eyes bright as they are joined by the owls, Noya, Asahi, Yamaguchi, and Tsukishima. This is the first trip they've taken away from home since last fall... since Hinata's wings ruptured into existence. Everyone had been going a little stir crazy over winter and spring, and it is probably well overdue now that they've hit summer and they'd had yet to take one.

The jaunt hadn't been entirely welcomed by everyone; Yachi had worried constantly the last couple days, and had extracted any number of promises from all of them that if Hinata was getting tired, that they'd stop. She'd insisted that he not be allowed to push himself too hard, and that they rest if he was having a hard time. Kuroo had forced them to plot out a course this time and then secured a commitment to send ravens every other day to let everyone back home know they were still okay, much to the cynical annoyance of Tsukishima. Daichi had told them not to do anything stupid, and Suga had sent along a few extra coins in case they hit a bind somewhere. The only one who'd seemed at ease with letting them go was Kenma. The golden cat had smiled happily with a small wave as they'd taken off right after Tanaka had told them they'd all better come back in one piece.

Natsu, on the other hand, hadn't been happy about being left behind at all. And since Natsu wouldn't be allowed, the bald crow had remained behind as well; when the girl would wake in the dark with panic because she was positive the snakes were coming for her, he was the only one who could reach her.

"I go, too." Tanaka had shaken his head at her even though he'd been put out about being stuck back home, too.

"You wouldn't be able to keep up, Munchkin. I told you this would happen if you didn't do those conditioning drills. Besides, you have lessons with Taji and his sister. You prove you can stay airborne for three hours, and pass your tests, and maybe you can go next time."

Yeah, that had gone over well. The girl had settled into a perpetual sulk before they'd left. Coercing Natsu had been necessary, though. She could fly now, but she'd opt to walk over taking to the sky if given the choice, so she lagged heavily in her flight skills.

And it had been disappointing to discover that she could neither read nor write. She'd never been given any type of schooling during her time with the snakes, so they'd promptly set her up to learn not only written skill, but also a verbal regimen alongside Suga's young cousins. They had no problem with she and Hinata conversing in their 'island babble', but for Natsu to be able to succeed in the world around them, she would have to be able to read, write and speak the crow lexicon like her brother. Hinata draws in a large breath and looks up at the grey cat with a grin.

"You guys are good rabbits! We almost lost you twice!" Hinata says with a laugh. Kageyama smiles slightly.

The trip isn't just to restore Shouyou's sanity and craving for adventure and human interaction. It's also to build his strength and condition his wings, to actually field test them and put them under stress. It is to push them without breaking them, to increase his stamina and control, to restore the redhead to his pre-grounded state.

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