Year Four.50 2/2; Metamorphic Revival

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Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return. ~Leonardo Da Vinci

Hitoka Yachi is half asleep with Kiyoko, the two girls curled up with Natsu in the afternoon sunshine that spills across the porch. The days are still warm enough to enjoy a nap outside, a luxury they likely won't have in another week or so, and the blond idly runs her hand through the girl child's wild orange hair.


The sound of the thrush's piercing call makes Yachi jump badly enough that she nearly tumbles Natsu off the bench. She and Kiyoko are on their feet before they see Suga come zipping around the corner, followed quickly by a blond streak that fluidly vaults the stream, easily keeping pace with the thrush.

Yachi's hair stands on end. The last time people were calling for them like this, Bokuto had a rod in his chest. Suga lands on the porch, his chest swelling and shrinking with his rapid breathing.

He literally just did an air sprint to get here, Yachi thinks, and mentally thanks the skies that his lung has long since healed from the arrow.

"It's Hinata." He says sharply around his gasps and Kenma stops at his elbow.

"There's blood." He says, his eyes wide and Yachi feels her heart stutter.

Oh, no.

Natsu pulls in a gasp and leaps from the porch before Kiyoko can stop her, her little legs speeding toward the net.

"Can you move him?" The female crow asks, turning back toward Suga.

"Not sure. But if there's blood, we should probably have everything ready. I'll head back and see what's going on, can you guys get stuff going?"

"Of course," Kiyoko says before turning to Kenma. "We don't have an herb box anymore... can you grab someone to fly for them and we will have a list by the time you're back?" She asks and they both turn and vacate the porch.

Yachi spins and dashes inside, Kiyoko right on her heels. As they struggle to pull the table in front of the window, the door bursts open and Lev and Kuroo are already hauling in firewood for the stove, Daichi following up with collecting a pot for water. Bokuto steps in and squeezes her shoulder and she quickly abandons the heavy table to the large owl and his leveler and runs in search of her needles and scissors. Yaku brushes by her with a large piece of white fabric and by the time she's returning with her small pack of medical supplies, Noya is crashing through the doorway.

"Where's the list?" He says, his eyes huge. Yachi jumps, having forgotten it in her haste to get things ready.

"Here." Kiyoko says, pressing a piece of paper into his hand, and the blond whispers her gratitude to the stars for the pretty crow's handle on the situation. Noya spins and disappears back out the door. When the bunting turns around, Kenma has filled a bowl with water and a rag, and she quietly marvels.

The chaos around her is methodical, like organized mayhem as everyone leaps to various tasks with urgent efficiency. From the outside, she's sure it looks like complete disarray, but in the span of time it takes before she hears commotion on the front porch, the table is prepped, a fire is roaring to life in the stove to boil water, and everything is set this time when the door opens.

Yachi has no idea what to expect, but Tanaka and a shirtless Kageyama sidle inside, Hinata's arms thrown over their shoulders. The redhead is pale and Yachi wonders if he's passed out... and she can't see any blood. For an instant, she wonders if this was a false alarm as everyone else crowds inside after them. But then the two crows move to lay him down on his stomach on the table, and Yachi's heart stutters.

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