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Every single person in the crowd around us falls co m p l e t e l y s i l e n t.

The South Tower se e m s t o k i n d o f t urn on its side, and fal l d o w n t o t h e g r ound.

Erupti n g i n a h u g e c l oud of nast y s m o k e a s i t h i t s t h e g r o u n d.

T a k i n g o u r b e s t f r i e n d s w i t h i t.

Tyler and I.

We kind of just.

Fell to our knees.

The top half of the building fell

And fell

Crushing the rest of itself underneath.

My shoulders dropped and my lungs ran out of air, not at an alarming rate, I just slowly let all my breath out and didn't let any back in because I was simply unable to lift my chest to allow the action to happen.

How are they suppose to make it out of there now?

"Sir! Get up! We have to run!" A lady yells.

I shake my head, take in a heavy breath, and finally see the huge cloud of an eerie gray/green debris headed toward us.

"Tyler. Come on." I cry, grabbing the hood of his jacket and dragging him up.

He wabbles, but then comes to the realization of whats going on in front of us, and runs the opposite direction with me.

"The hotel is that way, we can stay in the lobby until this blows over." I tell Tyler, turning the corner thats about a block or two from where we're staying, trying to keep a steady mind.

"NO. Are you insane? Jenna and Leo are still back there! We told them we would meet them out front! I didn't even get to tell Jenna I loved her back! What were we thinking? We have to go back right now!" Tyler screams. Well, tries to scream. Tears and his nose were both running, causing his voice to shake and crack.

"Tyler, you don't think I wanna go and save Leo too? You don't think I wish I could just go and get her from that fucking building and have her back and safe with me? Because I fucking do, more than anything. But listen. The building just fell, debris is everywhere and its not safe on the streets right now. So lets hide somewhere safe until its okay to come out again."

He nods his head and we get inside a furniture shop that was close to us. The cloud was beginning to thicken.

We get inside the empty store and sit on the welcome mat, taking a break from using our bodies.

The glass windows didn't give us a lot of relief though.

The room quickly got dark, the dirt blocking the sun from coming inside.

Frantic people ran from the cloud until it engulfed them.

Some fell, some made it out of the way, some got hit by the debris.

Tyler and I sat in the complete quiet, with the excruciating mind set of the future.

Who knows how long we sat there.

It felt like forever until I checked my phone.

Only twelve minutes had passed by.

"Lets go." I say, standing up and holding the collar of my shirt over my nose.

Tyler and I look at each other, bracing ourselves for whatever the hell we're going to see out there, open the door, and start running back towards the disaster.

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