Chapter 17

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They left! And to make matters worse they aren't safe where they are, at least that is what the message said. 

“Did they answer you?” I asked Robert impatiently. He called my mother to ask her where they where because he was worried as well.

 “No and its diverting to voice mail” Robert groaned “Why don’t we go and look for them?” he added.

 “I think we should” I agreed “I’ll look for them in the first floor and you search for them in the third floor” I ordered him.

 “I don’t think that they’ll go upstairs” he commented.

 “Just go there Robert” I begged him.

 “Okay I’ll go but on one condition!” he said.

 “Which is?”

 “In fifteen minutes you’ll have to be in the parking lot near my car!” he pointed out. In fifteen minutes I had to search the entire floor?! How could I do that? 

 “Remember the bomb could explode in any second and fifteen minutes are already enough we can’t risk more time!” he told me.

 “Deal!” I agreed to him “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes!”

 “I’m going to report to the desk for the bomb again” he told me while getting out of the room but as he was opening the door he turned towards me and whispered “Sam?”

 “Yeah?” I hummed.

 “Stay safe” he said in a low voice.

 “You too” I responded him back in a lower voice than his.

As I turned to walk out my gaze landed on a big black bag, specifically my mother’s bag.

Quickly I opened it and in it there was an entwined envelope.

It had lots of documents in it and on the first paper there was written my father’s name and personal details.

 In a hurry I placed it back in and zipped the bag. I ran out of the room with the bag on my shoulder.

 As fast I could I ran down the stairs to go to the first floor as my father’s room was located in the second floor.

 I walked down all the corridors while spinning my head from the left to right hoping that I’ll find my parents and my little brother.

 Finally last ward!

 Fingers crossed! Maybe they are here or Robert found them or at least they are in a safe place.

I walked and walked and walked until there wasn’t anymore left where I could look for them. I turned around to go and meet up with Robert but as I turned I noticed a strange door.

 On this strange door there was a label which had the words “Staff only” written on it.

 Curiosity ran through my adrenaline so I placed my hand on the door knob to open the door but as I did that a voice was heard.

 It came from the speakers.

Everyone please get out of the hospital as a bomb was found. No need to make a panic! All patients are getting quietly out of the hospital by nurses, doctors, careers and even from generous people. Cameras and all the electricity will be switched off for safety. I repeat for the last time that everyone should get out! Thanks

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