Chapter 3

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We continued watching the reapings, and I paid attention to the tributes. I remembered a few names; Maggie from District 8, Kasha and Barley from 11, and Heather from 12. Kasha looked my age, maybe even only 13 years old. I said goodnight to Clark and headed to my room. I sat on my bed and looked out the train window. I have no idea what district we were in, but I knew the Capitol was close. We're approaching closer to my death. I thought. I hated the fact that I was going to be one of the first to die. I couldn't stand a chance against the tributes from District 2 or 1.

I fell into a soft sleep, only to be awoken by nightmares. Nightmares about the arena, about being killed by each of the tributes. Over and over I died, each a different way by a different tribute. They laughed as I bled to death. I woke up screaming at least 3 times. I finally got to sleep when Aymellie woke me up. "We're almost there!" she squeeled. "Up, up, up! You have to look presentable for the Capitol!" She pulled me out of bed and threw me in the shower. She washed me and dressed me up in a ridiculous dress and pulled my hair up. 

"Not the best, but it will do. Now go eat something!! We will arrive in the Capitol in at least an hour! Hurry!" Aymellie said. She shoved me out and I walked down the hall. I went into the dining room and sat down next to Clark again.

"Get any sleep lastnight?" he asked. It looked like Aymellie had given him a visit also. He had on a suit the same color as my dress. It was a shimmery brown color, kind of like tree trunks. 

"Barely. I had too many nightmares." I replied. I could see my reflection inside of the cup of steaming coffee in front of my face. I looked ridiculous. 

"Same here, I heard you screaming. Were you okay?" he asked. A small look of concern crossed his dark brown eyes. Aymellie inturrupted our conversation with our plans for the day. 

"First, we will arrive, of course! Then we will get ready to meet your prep team and stylists! Good plan, right?" She said. She was so excited. Without thinking, my thoughts turned into words. 

"We really need a prep team and stylists when we are about to be hunted down and killed? What is the point?" I asked. I covered my mouth with my hand. I regreted saying it, but I still wanted a reply. Aymellie went on and on about how the prep team and stylists are there to help you make an impression and how they want people to remember you. I really didn't listen to her rambling. I ignored my manners and started grabbing food. I grabbed a few spoonfuls of grits, some sausage, bacon, and 3 slices of bread, and began shoving them down my mouth. I didn't care about the dirty looks Aymellie and Johanna gave me. I felt I had to eat the worry and fear away.

After eating, I got up and walked away. I didn't even bother to excuse myself. I wasn't in the mood to be proper around them. I sat down in my room and cried. It was safe in there, nobody could see me or hear me. Unless they were eavesdropping by the door, I could sob as hard as I could. I didn't want this. I wanted to go home and be with my family. I wanted to grasp the net my father made again. And most of all, I wanted to smell the woods again. When I was sad or mad, I would climb out my bedroom window, climb down the old oak tree outside, and run into the woods. There I climbed the highest tree I could find and go to the top. I would look out over the town and cry. It smelled like fresh pine and oak. In this stuffy train, all it smelled like was expensive perfume and strong smells of whatever was cooking. I opened up the window to get some fresh air.

Then, I saw it. We approached the Capitol at a slower speed now. It was huge, bigger than I ever imagined it to be. It had tall buildings and busy streets. Lots of flashy lights and loud noises. The thing that stood out most was the people. They had brightly colored, poofy wigs secured to their heads. Their skin was an unnatural color. They wore pounds of makeup and were tattoed in strange places. The clothes were the worst. They wore tall heels, fluffy dresses, and lots of jewlery. Even the men had on brightly colored suits and lots of accesories.

Some recognized the train and pointed at me. Mumurs of names came from the crowds of people. The name that I heard most gave me chills. Finnick Odair. I hated to think about my father. I guess I would never hear the end of it, considering he is so famous. He won the games when he was only my age. One of the youngest victors. I slammed the window shut and pulled the blankets over my head. I decided to doze off.

Aymellie bursted in my room and practically dragged me from my bed. She pushed me out of my room and into the hallway. She dragged me by my arm out of the train and into the bright light of the Capitol sun. We were inside of the hotel now, and the Capitol people were very impressed with all of the tributes. I was still kind of sleeping so I didn't pay much attention to anything. 

Aymellie directed us to our rooms, which were twice as big as the one on the train. It had the same setup, except there were a few additions. A whole area was dedicated to hair and makeup, bright lights hung from the ceiling, and the bed was even bigger. There was even a walk in closet filled with what seemed like thousands of options. I went straight to the bed and collapsed. A colorful trio walked into the room. They were all girls, and their looks screamed Capitol. The first lady had aquamarine, pinpoint straight hair. She wore a ridiculous dress, just like the one Aymellie wore on the day of the reaping. She introduced herself as Karrie. The second lady had a normal color hair, but purple skin. She was short and chubby, and had on white lipstick. She was extremely scary to me. She said her name was Kenya. The final lady did not speak. She had short, cropped, pink hair. She didn't have a dye on her skin, but she had extremly long fingernails and wore a fluffy blue blouse and a sparkly skirt. "And this is Kirby. She is me and Karrie's  sister, she doesn't speak." said Kenya. "We are your prep team!" said Karrie. 

The trio of sisters got to work on me. They stripped me of the dress Aymellie put me in and dressed me in some sort of Capitol attire. They pulled at my hair and painted my face. When they were done, I looked like I was meant to be there. They made my face and hair look natural, but my dress was outrageous. It was bright yellow and had one strap. It was so sparkly it hurt my eyes. They even slipped on a pair of yellow heels and painted my nails the same color. I couldn't recognize myself. 

"Are you ready to meet Aloe?" Karrie asked. "Who is Aloe?" I asked. I didn't really want to meet anymore people. "Your stylist or course!" Kenya said "Him and his twin sister, Vera, are the new stylists for District 7." Karrie said. I just wanted to go to sleep.

We walked into a large room with a long leather couch and a huge television. A man and a woman were sitting on the couch, talking casually. I walked into the room with Clark and the two sat up. The man had tan skin and bleach blonde hair. This must be Aloe. His sister, Vera stood up with him. She had long, light purple hair down to her back. It had streaks of white going through her bangs. She and her brother looked normal for the Capitol, except for their colorful clothing. Aloe whispered something to Vera, and she escorted Clark out of the room. I sat next to Aloe on the couch and we talked for a while. He was so nice to me, he understood everything I told him. The thought that went through my mind gave me chills. 

I wonder if he will watch me die. 

Based off The Hunger Games; Against All Odds.Where stories live. Discover now