Chapter 16

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The thought of having a relationship with Onyx seemed out of proportion. I guess most people throughout the district considered us a "thing," but I was still light on the subject. Of course we spent all day and all night with eachother, but little words were ever spoken. A soft 'I love you' would be whispered into my ear before the end of each day. I voulenteered to mentor for the 74th annual Hunger Games, and I knew Onyx would miss me dearly while I was gone.

I  packed up a few toiletries and medicines that the doctor gave to me, then walked towards town square the day of the reaping. Two older children, Kenna and Archer were reaped. they were both 18, the same age as Onyx now. They were both very strong and vicious also, so training them would be difficult. I did the same techniqe I tried with Onyx and Delilah, but Aloe had to explain to them what I was drawing. Aloe kept in touch with Onyx for me, telling me everything they speaked about. Within the first few hours of the Games, Kenna was dead and Archer was slowly dying. I couldn't bare to watch two more children get killed from my district like last year. 

When Archer died, I was dismissed to go home. But I didn't want to. The girl from District 12, Katniss, caught my eye. She was swift and smart, unlike any of the other tributes. Her dress and chariot ride outfit certainly sparked excitment. The Capitol citizens reffered to her as "The Girl on Fire." I had hope that she would win, because she was a true soilder. Her younger sister was reaped, and she took her place. She also allied with a small girl from District 11, and buried her in flowers when she died. I was extremly happy when she won, but also worried. She sparked a sign of rebellion. Instead of killing her district partner, she acted as if they commited suicide, letting there be two victors for the first time in history. Afterwords, Seneca had a meeting with all the mentors. A familiar face lit up the room. 

"Dad?" I asked. It was the first word I had spoken in 3 years. 

"Erabelle?" The tall, tan man replied. He nudged the other mentors out of the way and grabbed me tightly. 

"Is it really you?" I asked. My voice scratched and felt funny to use.

"Of course it's me. I'm so happy you're okay, I was afraid I would never speak to you in your lifetime." he said.

"Excuse me, would District 4 and District 7 please have a seat?" Seneca inturrupted. We smiled akwardly at eachother and sat down. Seneca gave us a whole big speech, and then he was dragged from the room by Peacekeepers.

When the shock was over and we regrouped, my father and I got a chance to catch up.

"The day that you got reaped, I didn't want to believe it was true. I had to rewind the tape several times before realizing you were really going to die. Which luckily, you didn't." he said with a warm smile.

"I didn't think I would make it out either." I said.

"You're an Odair, so you had to win, or else we would have had to buy you immunity." he said with a sarcastic laugh. I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. By the time Aloe told me we had to go back home, I didn't want to leave.

"Dad, I can't believe I got the honor of meeting you." I said.

"Don't worry, you'll see me again. Real soon." he said with a warm hug and a soft kiss on the forehead.

Aloe was estastic that my voice was back, and had me personally call Onyx and my family myself. They were as happy as Aloe, and Onyx wouldn't leave the phone call.

"I never imagined your voice to be so soft and beautiful." Onyx said.

"I didn't either, where did you get that idea from?" I said with a laugh.

"You have a great sense of humor too." he said. We finished up the phone call and I went to sleep, satisfied.

When we arrived home the next day without a victor, the town was havoc. Everyone was talking about Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, the star-crossed lovers form District 12. It was amazing that they were in "love" and both were able to survive. 

I was ambushed by Onyx and my little sisters. Chism was never around because he was now a lumberjack, but he didn't like Onyx very much anyway. My sisters were thrilled that I could speak again, after three years of silence.

I was mad that Chism didn't come to my homecoming, because he was off work that day. I went straight to the house and searched for him. He was in his room, perched on the windowsill.

"Chism." I said to him. He abruptly turned his head towards me.

"Era? You can talk?" He asked.

"I guess so. Where were you today?" 

"I didn't want to see pretty boy acting all lovey-dovey with my little sister." I didn't exactly know how to reply to him so I just ran to my room. Onyx was already there waiting for me. He cuddled me until the tears stopped, and then got up.

"Where are you going love?" I asked.

"I'm getting this little war between me and your brother to stop." he said. He walked out of my room and into Chism's, and began to yell. I got up as fast as I could and ran to the door. Onyx was on the break of punching Chism dead in the face, but luckily I held him back.

"Stop it! Leave each other alone!" I screamed. The loud squeal hurt my new voice. Onyx was trying to pry me off, when I felt a large impact against my face. I fell to the ground and blacked out.

When I woke up, Chism and Onyx were fighting. They were fighting with such force that shelves and chairs were being flung around the room. Blood filled my hands and a sharp pain echoed inside my brain. One of them hit me. Before the fight began, one of the boys hit me on purpose. That's what sparked the fight. Derrick broke the two boys up and carried me down the stairs. 

"Who hit her? Thats what the hell I want to know boys!" Derrick snapped.

"He did it! I was trying to get her off of him so she didn't get hurt, but he swung at her instead of me!" Chism said. I didn't want to believe that my boyfriend would seriously hurt me like this.

"Onyx, is this true?" Derrick asked. Onyx looked at me with worried eyes.

"No! It was an accident, I swear! Do you really think I would hurt my girlfriend like that?" Onyx said. Tears began to form in his eyes.

"Onyx, not to be rude, but please go home. I'm going to call your mother after we take Erabelle to the doctor." Derrick said.

The tears escaped Onyx's eyes as he took one last look at me before bursting out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2012 ⏰

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