Chapter 5

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I somehow found sleep after crying for several hours over my nightmare, but I was awoken by soft hands on my face. They were Clark's muscular hands, drying my face with a soft towel. After seeing him, I closed my eyes and acted as if I was still sleeping. He nuzzled the blanket up to my chin and stroked my face. He layed next to me, sitting upwards. He must have really believed I was sleeping, because he began to talk. Not to his self, but to me. I used to talk to Fir while she was sleeping. I just needed a human to hear my problems, even if they weren't completely concious. 

He talked for a while about his life at home. He talked about how much he missed his family and his friends. He also said something that almost brought me to tears. 

"I'm scared, Erabelle. I'm not ready for this. I don't want to have to kill other people for the Capitol's entertainment. I don't want to die, and I don't want you to die either. You're so small compared to the others. Without my help, you're gonna die in a couple of days in the arena. If you die, I will be hopeless. I promised Chism I would do everything in my power to bring you back home, even if it means risking my life. You can't hear me anyways, so I might as well say this too. I would die for you, Era. You are the only thing keeping me from a breakdown right now." he said.

The part about me being small and dying in a few days within the arena made me uneasy. The other parts had meaning. He would die for me. I thought. I opened my eyes and acted like I didn't know he was there. He flashed his perfect smile and layed his head down. I decided to curl up and get some sleep again. I was safe, now that Clark was holding me in place. Anytime I jumped or scrambled because of a nightmare, he calmed me until I fell asleep. It was peaceful. Just like my calm dreams.  

When I awoke the next morning, Clark was gone. The side of my bed where he had been felt empty. It was still warm, so he must have left not to long ago. I sat up, feeling refreshed. I hadn't gotten such a good sleep since before the reaping. Even though I had small nightmares throughout the night, Clark was there to comfort me. 

I got up and walked to the mirror. I even looked healthier. I guess the amount of good food has made me healthier. I got ready for the day and went to eat. As soon as I walked in, Aymellie began talking.

"Tomorrow we start training everybody! After training, is interviews! Aloe has the perfect dress for you!" Aymellie said with a huge grin on her face. I wasn't ready to be asked a million questions by Caeser Flickerman. He surley would ask about my adoption story, and about my parents. I wonder what he will ask Clark. I thought.

 I sat back in my chair and blocked out the world. I ate my food in silence and glanced at everyone there. Aloe and Vera paid no attention to anyone there, they talked exitedly about the interviews. My prep team talked to Aymellie, exept for Kirby of course. Kirby just stared at her long fingernails and tapped them against the table. Johanna called me and Clark over to the couch. She sat on the opposite side with her feet on the table. 

"Listen up. The Games are in 5 days. Clark, you're prepared for this. You're tall and strong, this will help you. The Carrers with probably pick you to ally with. Erabelle, not so much. You're tall, but scrawny, they will eat you alive. Now I will do my best to help you out, but I can't guarantee you how long you will last." she said. I was in fury. Instead of just shaking my head and smiling like I usually do, I started to yell at her.

"You know nothing about me Johanna! You never met me before, so you don't know what I can do!I yelled. The look on Johanna's face was shocked. Clark was laughing under his breath. Johanna kept looking for the right response, but she couldn't come up with anything. I got up and began to walk away. The colorful cast at the table looked at me with their jaws dropped. 

"Hey shark bait," Johanna said. "You're right. I don't know you. All I know about you is that you're tough. You don't go down without a fight. That's good." she said. I glanced back at her and walked right out of the room. Yeah, wait until I show her what I can do with an axe. I thought. 

Instead of going straight to my room like I usually do after eating, I walked around. I made my way through the hallways of our floor, when I saw somebody that scared the life out of me. It was an Avox. 

Derrick used to tell us stories about if we were bad, that the Capitol would turn us into an Avox. What if Kirby is an Avox? I thought. I turned away from the Avox girl and walked swiftly down the hallway. I didn't want to get either of us in trouble for any signs of contact. 

I returned to my room and laid down. I stared at the burgendy ceiling and tried to organize my thoughts. Only 5 days until I die. I can't die. I thought. Not on the first day. I have to show Johanna that I'm better than the rest. She doesn't believe in me. 

My door cracked open and Clark walked in. He didn't seem to knock anymore. I looked at the clock to my right. It was already 3 o'clock. He sat down on the couch at the end of my bed. 

"Nice work back there." he said. I smiled wide and laughed. It has been a while since I have laughed. Clark had a way of making me feel important. He acted as if I was his first priority. I needed the extra company anyway. We talked for hours about random things. Nothing we said was related to the Games. It was all about home, about funny memories, or about life here in the Capitol. My mind wasn't focused on reality at that point. Talking to Clark was helpful. He helped me focus on other things. I never thought I could talk so much in my life.

I looked at the clock, and it was almost midnight. Clark was getting tired, I could tell. He had now shifted from his space on the couch, next to me on my bed. He rested his head on my shoulder as he talked.

"I wonder if my family will watch me die." he said. I didn't think that Clark and I would share the same thoughts. 

"Sometimes I wonder that too." I said, combing his fluffy hair with my fingers. His hair was a lot longer than when we first met. Seeing him at the reaping ment nothing to me, but as we began to talk, he has become a piece of me. I don't know what I will do if he dies. 

He began to doze off, so I let him. I snuggled up against him and continued combing his hair with my fingers. I took a look at his features, trying to remember every last bit. His hair was shiny and soft. It was the color of hot chocholate, smooth brown. His skin was tan and perfect, not a scar or blemish anywhere. He had sparkling dark brown eyes that twinkled when he smiled. And his smile was the greatest. It was like the entire world stopped when he smiled. 

I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep. I could feel Clark shifting his arms around me, holding me in place. The thought that crossed my mind was great, but horrible at the same time.

I think I have feelings for Clark Maxwell.

Based off The Hunger Games; Against All Odds.Where stories live. Discover now